The Red Knight of the Forlorn Keep

Act 1:

Introduction: This campaign starts with the adventurers gathered in an inn named the Restful Goat, while a very bad storm rages outside. In the inn, a local drunk will be telling stories of the ghost of a knight that calls storms in his fury. He lives in the ruins of an abandoned keep in the mountains. The locals have forgotten the original name of the keep. They have started calling it the Forlorn Keep.

The players should have time to talk to and interact with the NPCs in the Restful Goat. In addition to the local drunk telling stories, there is the innkeeper, who is a kindly old woman and a valuable resource to the players due to her vast local knowledge.

Additionally, there are three members of a local gang that should get progressively rowdier as the opening encounter goes on. There is also a devout priest on a pilgrimage who is sheltering in the inn from the storm. The priest is a healer and could be helpful later on should the party need medical attention.

The players should have a chance to interact with all these characters to establish positive or negative relationships that will hurt or help them later on in the game. This is a good time to start role-playing and using English comfortably before the game gets technical.

Once you are satisfied with the interactions in the inn, have the inn door burst open and a hungry dire wolf, dripping wet, saunters through the front door looking hungry.

NPCs for The Restful Goat

Barnaby "Old Man" Thistlewick (Local Drunk)

Barnaby appears disheveled and unclean and often drinks alcohol. However, there is truth to his eccentric rantings.

Class: Explorer

Level: 2

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +0, Charm +1, Intelligence +2

Health: 9

Combat Stat: Intelligence

Abilities: Keen Eye (+1 to rolls when searching), Nimble (+1 to rolls when climbing, balancing, or escaping traps).

Equipment: Tattered clothes, flask of cheap wine.

Notes: Provides lore about the Forlorn Keep and the ghost knight. Can offer clues or warnings, though often rambling.

Elara Meadowbrook (Innkeeper)

In her late middle years, Elara has run the Inn of the Restful Goat for over two decades. She is knowledgeable about the town and can offer warnings for things to look out for.

Class: Explorer

Level: 2

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +1, Charm +3, Intelligence +2

Health: 9

Combat Stat: Intelligence

Abilities: Keen Eye (+1 to rolls when searching), Linguist (knows several local dialects).

Equipment: Apron, keys to the inn, a well-worn book of local history.

Notes: Offers information about the local area, history, and potentially provides aid or shelter.

"Ruffian" (Local Gang Member)

Just here to cause trouble. The Ruffians are here to cause trouble. They are much weaker than the players, but if they aren't properly dealt with, they might jump the players while they are dealing with the dire wolf.

Class: Warrior

Level: 1.5

Stats: Athleticism +2, Will +1, Charm +0, Intelligence -1

Health: 12

Combat Stat: Athleticism

Abilities: Strong Attack (extra damage on a successful attack roll).

Equipment: Dagger, Damage: 1 + 1 on a successful attack roll, worn leather armor.

Notes: Part of a small gang causing trouble. Interactions can escalate.

Brother Silas (Devout Priest)

Brother Silas is on a pilgrimage through Littlebridge and, though unlikely to travel with the players due to his pilgrimage, can definitely offer medical attention and remedies if needed. He will help heal the players during the fight with the dire wolf and will be a likely target for the ruffians.

Class: Mage (with a focus on healing)

Level: 2

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +3, Charm +0, Intelligence +1

Health: 8

Combat Stat: Will

Abilities: Arcane Knowledge (+1 to rolls to identify magical items), Spellcasting (Tier 1 healing spells).

Equipment: Holy symbol, healing herbs, simple robes.

Notes: Can heal party members; might have information about local legends and lore.

Combat Encounter: Dire Wolf

Level: 4

Stats: Athleticism +3, Will +1, Charm +0, Intelligence -1

Health: 24

Combat Stat: Athleticism

Abilities: Strong Attack

Damage: Claw attack for 1 damage, or bite attack for 2 damage. Bite has a -1 penalty to attack roll. (+1 damage with all attacks with Strong Attack on a full success.) If reduced to zero health, the wolf is defeated and flees the inn.

Notes: Enters the inn hungry and distressed.

Important Notes:

These are example stats and can be adjusted based on the desired difficulty and the players' actions.

The GM has discretion on how to apply partial successes and critical successes for each NPC.

The NPC's stats can change. As an example, the "Ruffian" could become more or less aggressive as interactions occur.

Remember to have fun and be flexible, and use these NPCs to help the players get into character and start using English!

Act 2:

The priest detects a dark soul possessing the dire wolf, angering it. Whether they killed the wolf or calmed it, that presence has fled. The old drunk should once again proclaim his story about the Red Knight of the Forlorn Keep.

With the storm calming down, the players are free to move about the city. If the players seem unmotivated to head toward the Forlorn Keep, they should first start to see posters directing adventurers of great skill to visit the town hall where the mayor would have a job for them. If they spend too long in town and don't head toward town hall, have the captain of the guard approach them and say that he heard about their encounter with a dire wolf. He wants to pay them handsomely to travel to the Forlorn Keep to see if there is actually anything going on there.

The players will have plenty of time to interact with townspeople. The players should start with 5 gold each (given to them by the innkeeper for saving her inn) and will have a chance to spend it at shops, interact with locals, and enjoy general hijinks in the town of Littlebridge.

Possible Encounters in Littlebridge:

The Barbarian Bard Named Happy Feet: Happy Feet is a giant of a man who is likely half-orc. He is physically gifted, but his true love is for music and dance. He is lost and needs to find his traveling troupe. If the players can successfully help Happy Feet find his troupe, they will be rewarded with a promise that he will show up just when they need him as long as they sing his song! In-game, if the party finds themselves in a combat situation they are about to lose, Happy Feet will show up to save them.

The Charismatic Traveling Salesman: If the players walk around the town at all, they are bound to encounter Zachariah, the traveling salesman. He is in town with his caravan of goods and is trying to make sales. He has all sorts of odds and ends that are beneficial to the travelers. However, he will try to sell them a cursed ring starting at 10 gold pieces (will drop the price). The cursed ring will give them 2 more hit points, but if the player ever fails a roll, that ring drains the character's soul, dealing 4 damage to the player. Also, if the players wear the ring, it will need the help of powerful magic to remove it, or they risk losing the hand it's on.

The Thief with an Innocent Smile: The players could also encounter Sonya, a young innocent and beautiful young woman that the players will see wandering through town looking lost and concerned. If the players talk to her, she will say how she just ran away from her wolves in the forest and that her father was left behind. She is desperate for someone to go with her to find her father. If the players do help Sonya, she will lead them into anambush with other thieves in the woods outside of town.

Once the players finally leave Littlebridge and head toward the Forlorn Keep, they will make it until evening. At that point we will have the combat encounter of the second act.

Combat Encounter: Man-sized bats, summoned by the Red Knight, attack the party just after sunset. This should be a moderately challenging encounter with a moderate level of risk.

Act 2 NPCs and Character Sheets

Mayor Theodore Bramble (Mayor of Littlebridge)

Mayor Theodore Bramble should make for a good quest-giver and a solid roleplaying opportunity for your players.

Class: Explorer

Level: 3

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +1, Charm +3, Intelligence +2

Health: 10

Combat Stat: Intelligence


  • Keen Eye: +1 to rolls when searching for clues or hidden objects.

  • Linguist: Can understand and speak one additional language.

  • Silver Tongue: +1 to rolls when trying to use charm to manipulate someone or to get out of trouble.

Equipment: Fine clothes, Signet ring (symbol of office), Scroll with the town seal


  • The Mayor is concerned about the safety of Littlebridge and its citizens.

  • He's willing to offer a reward for adventurers who can help solve the problems facing the town (such as investigating the Forlorn Keep).

  • He is more comfortable in his office and isn't likely to be involved in combat.

  • He might have some helpful information about the history of Littlebridge and the Forlorn Keep.

Roleplaying Notes:

  • Speak with a tone of authority and concern.

  • Be polite and respectful, but also firm in your requests.

  • Express genuine gratitude to those who offer help.

Happy Feet (Barbarian Bard)

A joyful loving soul who just so happens to be a towering half-orc who has lost his performing troupe!

Class: Warrior

Level: 6

Stats: Athleticism +4, Will +3, Charm +2, Intelligence -1

Health: 20, Damage Reduction 2 (Rage + Stalwart)

Combat Stat: Athleticism


  • Strong Attack: Extra damage on a successful attack roll.

  • Improved Defense: +1 to rolls when defending against attacks.

  • Cleave: Attack two adjacent enemies with a single action.

  • Battle Cry: Give an ally +1 to their next attack roll.

  • Iron Will: Once per day, you can re-roll a failure.

  • Whirlwind Attack: Attack all enemies in a small area.

  • Bardic Inspiration: Can inspire allies with music/dance (+2 to their next roll).

Equipment: Enormous drum (he can use the drumsticks as a bludgeoning weapon) 2 damage and attacks twice, colorful but worn traveling clothes.

Notes: A truly massive, jovial, half-orc with a love for music and dance. He's incredibly strong but a bit slow on the uptake. He's easily distracted by a good tune or a bit of food. Will come to the party's aid if they sing his special song!

Happy Feet's Song (Tune: To the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")

  • Happy Feet, so big and strong,

  • Loves to dance and sing a song.

  • If in danger, have no fear,

  • Happy Feet is always near!

  • Swing your arms and stomp your feet,

  • Sing this song, so strong and sweet.

  • If in danger, have no fear,

  • Happy Feet is always near!

Special Abilities:

  • Rage: Three times per day, the warrior can enter a rage state. All damage is reduced by 1 (adds onto armor bonus). Warrior gains +1 to rolls in combat and +2 to damage (adds onto weapon bonus). The player can choose to reroll a fail or partial success on an attack. They must keep the second result.

  • Stalwart: Reduce all damage by 1 (adds onto armor bonus). May take the "Protect Ally" action to intercept an attack targeting an ally next to the warrior. On a successful will roll the warrior will be the target of the attack instead.

Roleplaying Notes:

  • Happy Feet's strength should be over-the-top and humorous. He might accidentally break things with his bare hands, or his "gentle" pats on the back could send people flying.

  • His love for music and dance should be a central part of his character. He might burst into song at inappropriate times, or try to teach the party a complicated dance routine in the middle of a battle.

  • His distraction should also be played for laughs. He might get sidetracked by a butterfly, or forget what he's doing mid-sentence.

Zachariah (Traveling Salesman)

A silver-tongued salesman with a dark offer.

Class: Explorer

Level: 2

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +0, Charm +2, Intelligence +1

Health: 9

Combat Stat: Intelligence

Abilities: Keen Eye (+1 to rolls when searching), Silver Tongue: +1 to charm rolls (bargaining, manipulation).

Equipment: Traveling merchant's garb, a variety of goods, including the cursed ring.

Notes: Charismatic and manipulative. Sells useful items but also a cursed ring.

Cursed Ring

Effects: Grants +2 Health; On any failed roll, the wearer takes 4 damage (soul drain); Removal requires powerful magic or losing the hand it's on.

Sonya (Thief with an Innocent Smile)

A sweet-faced girl who will lead the players into an ambush in the forest.

Class: Explorer (Rogue)

Level: 2

Stats: Athleticism +0, Will -1, Charm +2, Intelligence +1

Health: 9

Combat Stat: Intelligence

Abilities: Nimble (+1 to rolls when climbing, balancing, or escaping traps), The Rogue: +1 to sneak and steal rolls.

Equipment: Simple clothing, hidden dagger.

Notes: Appears innocent but leads to an ambush.

Captain of the Guard

The weathered captain of the guard is looking for competent help with dealing with the possible threat of the Red Knight.

Class: Warrior

Level: 3

Stats: Athleticism +2, Will +1, Charm -1, Intelligence +0

Health: 14

Combat Stat: Athleticism

Abilities: Improved Defense (+1 to rolls when defending), Second Wind (restore health equal to Will bonus, 2/day).

Equipment: Armor, sword, official badge.

Notes: Offers a reward to investigate the Forlorn Keep

Man-Sized Bats

Level: 1

Stats: Athleticism +1, Will +0, Intelligence -1

Health: 8

Combat Stat: Athleticism

Abilities: Echolocation: Advantage on perception rolls in darkness.

Damage: Attacks with either claw for 1 damage or bite for 2 damage. The bite attack has a -1 on the attack attack roll.

Notes: Attack in groups, more numerous than individually strong.

Example of Play Snippets

  • Zachariah: "Ah, my friends! You look like seasoned adventurers. Perhaps a fine cloak, to protect you from the elements? Or… this? (He holds up the ring) It gives… vitality! Just 10 gold pieces."

  • Sonya: "Oh, please, can you help me? My father… he's lost in the woods. I'm so worried." (If the players succeed on a Charm roll) "Oh, thank you so much! Just follow me…"

Key Points for the GM

  • Flexibility: Adjust NPC stats and behaviors based on player actions.

  • English Practice: Encourage players to use descriptive language in their interactions.

  • Cursed Ring: Play up the temptation and the danger of the ring. The players may ignore it or test their luck.

  • Happy Feet's Promise: Be sure to reward the players appropriately when they need him, if they do find him and sing his song later on.

Bat Attack: The bat encounter should be challenging but not overwhelming. Adjust the number of bats based on party size and level.

Act 3:

The players reach the Forlorn Keep and find that its name is appropriate. The gate falls open with a touch and all the remaining structures look as though they are about to fall over. There is one clearly structurally sound building in the keep and it is the tower at the center. A magical character would feel the magic coming from the tower.

Trial One - The Gatehouse Riddle

Setting: The base of the Forlorn Keep's central tower. The tower is made of ancient, weathered stone, and its entrance is a large, imposing wooden door reinforced with iron. The door is slightly ajar, but seems stuck. Faint magical energy emanates from within the tower.


As the players approach the tower, they see that the entrance is a massive, heavy door. It looks like it hasn't been opened in centuries. The air around the tower feels thick with magic. Upon closer inspection, they notice a small, ornate plaque beside the door. It's covered in dust, but they can make out an inscription.

The Inscription:

The plaque reads:

"Seekers of secrets, draw near,

But entry here is not without fear.

To pass this gate, you must be keen,

For words unlock what’s unseen.

Speak the truth that lies within,

And let the journey then begin."

Below this inscription is a single line:

"What has an eye, but cannot see?"

The Encounter:

  1. Initial Observation: The players will likely examine the door, the plaque, and the surrounding area. Allow them to make investigation or perception checks to find any clues or hidden mechanisms. A successful check might reveal faint magical runes on the door or a pressure plate hidden under some loose stones.

  2. The Riddle: The players must solve the riddle: "What has an eye, but cannot see?" The answer is a needle. The GM may substitute a different riddle if desired.

  3. The Solution: Once the players have the answer, they must speak it aloud clearly and confidently. They can try to speak it in different ways or even try other words they think might work.

  4. Consequences:

- Correct Answer: If they say "needle" (or a very close variation that the GM deems acceptable), the door will slowly creak open with a groan of ancient hinges. A dim light spills out from within, revealing a spiral staircase leading upwards.

- Incorrect Answer: If they give a wrong answer, nothing happens at first. However, after a few incorrect attempts, the tower might react:

- A magical trap could be triggered, such as a burst of magical energy that deals minor damage or a sudden gust of wind that pushes the players back. It should get progressively worse the more wrong answers are provided.

- The door might become temporarily sealed, requiring the players to wait a short time before trying again.

- A ghostly voice could whisper from within the tower, giving them a cryptic hint of mocking their failure.

  1. Additional Challenges:

- Time Limit: To add tension, you could introduce a time limit. If the players don't solve the riddle within a certain time, something unpleasant might happen, such as the appearance of a minor Fae creature or the collapse of part of the tower.

- Red Herrings: Provide false clues or alternative interpretations of the riddle to mislead the players and make the encounter more challenging.

- Environmental Effects: The magical energy around the tower could cause strange effects, such as flickering lights, distorted sounds, or illusions that disorient the players.

NPCs/Creatures: There are no NPCs or creatures in this encounter, but the tower itself acts as an obstacle.


  • Successfully solving the riddle and entering the tower.

  • Experience points for overcoming the challenge.

  • Potential discovery of hidden items or clues around the tower's entrance.

Example Interactions:

  • Player 1: "I think the answer is an eye\!"

    GM: "The door remains stubbornly shut. Nothing happens."

  • Player 2: "Maybe it's a camera?"

    GM: "A faint humming sound comes from the door, and it seems to vibrate slightly, but it doesn't open."

  • Player 3: "Wait a minute… what about a needle? It has an eye to thread, but it can't see."

    GM: "As you speak the word 'needle,' the door begins to groan and slowly swings open, revealing a dimly lit spiral staircase."

Trial Two - The Shifting Stairs

Setting: Inside the central tower, beyond the initial door, there’s a grand, circular chamber. The floor is mostly open, revealing a vast, seemingly bottomless pit. Staircases and platforms jut out from the walls and appear to be constantly shifting and moving, creating a dizzying and dangerous environment. Ghostly figures phase in and out on these platforms.


After solving the riddle at the tower's entrance, the players enter a large, circular chamber. A gaping pit fills most of the space, with staircases and platforms appearing and disappearing at random. Ethereal figures, clearly ghosts, manifest on the platforms, each seeming to guard a section of the shifting stairs. The air hums with magical energy, making the environment feel unstable.

The Encounter:

  1. Initial Observation: Upon entering the chamber, the players will see the chaotic movement of the staircases and platforms. Allow them Perception or Investigation checks to try and discern any patterns or predict the movement. A successful check might reveal a faint magical glow on platforms about to materialize or a subtle shift in the air just before a staircase moves.

  2. The Ghosts: On each platform, a ghostly figure will appear. These ghosts will challenge the players to pronounce difficult phrases clearly. These phrases can be a mix of made-up words, complicated tongue-twisters, or even phrases in an invented language relevant to the game's lore.

  3. The Challenge: The ghost will speak the phrase, and then the player must repeat it back clearly and loudly (see examples at the end of this section).

    • Success: If the player's pronunciation is deemed clear and successful (the GM's judgment), a new staircase will materialize behind the ghost, leading to the next platform.

    • Failure: If the player's pronunciation is unclear or incorrect, a staircase will still appear, but it will lead nowhere. Their current platform will begin to shimmer and fade, and the player must make an Athletics roll to scramble and jump to a nearby stable platform.

  4. The Ascent: The players must successfully navigate five of these shifting staircases and ghostly challenges to reach the top of the chamber. With each success, they feel a surge of magical energy and get closer to their goal. Each failure sets them back a bit.

  5. Consequences:

    • Falling: If a player fails the Athletics roll to jump to another platform, they fall into the pit. However, instead of taking damage, they are magically teleported back to the entrance of the chamber, having to start the trial again.

    • Ghostly Tricks: The ghosts themselves could also use minor illusory magic to trick the players, such as creating fake staircases or making platforms appear closer or further away than they actually are.

    • Increasing Difficulty: With each successful ascent, the ghosts' phrases become progressively more difficult to pronounce, requiring greater focus and skill.

  6. Additional Challenges:

    • Time Pressure: Add a sense of urgency by making the platforms shift and fade at an increasing rate, forcing quick decisions.

    • Environmental Hazards: Include random bursts of wind or shimmering illusions that momentarily obscure the staircases, making navigation more challenging.

    • Teamwork: Players can assist each other. One player could try to translate the phrase, while another attempts the pronunciation.

NPCs/Creatures: The ghosts are the only entities in this encounter. They are not hostile but act as gatekeepers, testing the players' verbal skills.


  • Successfully navigating the shifting stairs and reaching the top of the chamber.

  • A sense of accomplishment and overcoming a challenging magical trial.

  • The potential discovery of faint magical runes or inscriptions on the platforms that provide further lore about the tower.

Tongue Twisters (Focus on repetition and similar sounds):

Choose phrases of appropriate difficulty for your players. Feel free to come up with your own.

  1. "Six slippery snails slid swiftly southward."

  2. "Fuzzy was a Wuzzy? Fuzzy was a Wuzzy. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, was he?"

  3. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?"

  4. "She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells."

  5. "Betty Botter bought some butter, but the butter was bitter, so Betty Botter bought some better butter to make the bitter butter better."

  6. "Truly rural, truly cruel."

  7. "Less red, less said."

  8. "Near an ear, a nearer ear." 

  9. "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood." 

Example Interactions:

  • Ghost 1: "Repeat after me: 'Blorpity-blorp, flibber-gibbet.'"

    • Player 1: "Blorpity-blorp, flibber-gibbet\!"

    • GM: "The ghost nods approvingly, and a new staircase appears behind it."

  • Ghost 3: "Say this: 'Theophilus Throckmorton thought he throttled three thieves.'"

    • Player 2: "Theophilus...uh...Throckmuffin?...thought he...throtled...three...thieves?"

    • GM: "The ghost shakes its head. The platform beneath you shimmers and begins to disappear\! Roll Athletics to jump\!"

The players will need to make their way up five flights of stairs in the manner to reach the top.

The Red Knight is waiting for the players on top of his tower with two storm elementals with him. He will tell the players that he was abandoned, and that he must punish the people of the surrounding towns.

Trial Three - The Red Knight's Fury


  • Location: The top of a ruined tower in the Forlorn Keep. The tower is exposed to the elements, with a crumbling parapet and a wide view of the stormy landscape.

  • Enemies:

    • The Red Knight: Level 5 Warrior.

    • Two Storm Elementals: Level 3 Mages (with a focus on Water & Ice/Fire & Lightning).

  • Conditions: The remnants of the storm still rage outside, with strong winds and occasional lightning strikes. This can add environmental hazards or advantages/disadvantages to certain actions.

Encounter Details:

  • Initial Interaction: As the players reach the top of the tower, they find the Red Knight waiting for them. He is clad in crimson armor, and his eyes glow with an eerie red light. The two Storm Elementals hover beside him, crackling with energy. The Red Knight speaks in a booming voice: "You dare trespass upon my domain! I was abandoned, betrayed\! Now, I will unleash my fury upon the towns below!"

  • Red Knight's Stats (Level 5 Warrior):

Athleticism: +3, Will: +2, Charm: -1, Intelligence: +0

Health: 18 (damage reduction 1 / 2 if raged)

Combat Stat: Athleticism

Abilities: Strong Attack, Improved Defense, Cleave, Iron Will.

Equipment: Great Axe (3 base damage), Heavy Armor (-1 damage, +1 to water, cold, fire & lightning).

Special Ability: Rage (once per day).

Storm Elemental Stats (Level 3 Mage):

Stats: Will +3, Intelligence +2,

Health: 9

Combat Stat: Will (magic), Athleticism (physical)

Abilities: Arcane Knowledge, Spellcasting (Tier 2), Mana Control (5 Mana).

Spells (Example - mix and match as you prefer):

Water & Ice:\*

Tier 1: **Create a small ball of water, Freeze a small amount of water.

Tier 2: **Conjure wave of water, Create sheet of ice.

Fire & Lightning:

Tier 1: Create a small flame, Shoot sparks.

Tier 2: **Hurl fireball, Conjure bolt of lightning.

Note: Each elemental has 5 Mana Points.

  • Challenge for Level 3 Characters:

    • The Red Knight is a formidable opponent with high health, strong attack, and good defense. His Rage ability makes him even more dangerous.

    • The Storm Elementals can use their magic to control the battlefield, hindering the players with ice or damaging them with lightning.

    • The environment adds another layer of challenge. Strong winds could make ranged attacks difficult, and lightning strikes could create hazards or even damage players.

Possible Encounter Flow:

  1. Dialogue and Intimidation: The Red Knight tries to intimidate the players with his words and presence. The Storm Elementals make threatening gestures and unleash small bursts of energy. 

  2. Combat Begins: The Red Knight attacks with his Great Axe, while the Storm Elementals cast spells. The players must decide how to focus their attacks: take down the Red Knight first or deal with the Elementals? 

  3. Environmental Effects: The GM can introduce environmental effects:  

    Have the players roll a die at the start of their turns, if they roll a 1, have a sudden gust of wind force a player to make an Athleticism roll to avoid being pushed off the tower. (or) Have a lightning strike hit the tower, dealing 2 damage to anyone nearby. 

  1. Red Knight's Rage: When the Red Knight is reduced to half health, he uses his Rage ability, becoming even more dangerous. 

  2. Elemental Tactics, The Storm Elementals use their spells strategically: One Elemental creates an ice sheet to make it difficult for players to move.  

    The other Elemental hurls fireballs at the players.

  1. Victory or Defeat: The players win if they defeat the Red Knight and the Storm Elementals. They lose if all their characters are reduced to 0 health. 

ESL Integration:

  • Descriptive Language: Encourage players to use descriptive language when describing their actions.

  • Roleplaying: Encourage players to roleplay their reactions to the Red Knight's threats and the Storm Elementals' magic.

  • Strategic Thinking: Encourage players to discuss and plan their tactics in English.

The End! The players may return to town to collect their rewards!


Story and lesson material by… Tyler Golec

Mandarin Translations by… Rosy Lien

Media Contributions by… Tim Schmidbauer, Gabriella Clare Marino and Tim Schmidbauer.