ESL Lesson: Business, Self-Discovery & Finance Part 2


Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Business, Self-Discovery and Finance.”


45 minutes






Pre-Reading Vocabulary (10 minutes)

Key Vocabulary:

  1. Departure (n): The act of leaving, typically of a person or vehicle. * “Her departure from the company left a significant gap in the team.”

  2. Liberation (n): The act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release from constraint. * “The end of the war brought a sense of liberation to the people.”

  3. Apprehension (n): Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen. * “She faced the interview with a mix of excitement and apprehension.”

  4. Solace (n): Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness. * “After a long day, she found solace in reading her favorite book.”

  5. Perspective (n): A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. * “Traveling to new places often gives people a fresh perspective on life.”

  6. Curiosity (n): A strong desire to know or learn something. * “The mysterious package on her doorstep piqued her curiosity.”

  7. Expertise (n): Expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. * “His expertise in software development made him a valuable team member.”

  8. Prestigious (adj): Inspiring respect and admiration; having high status. * “She graduated from a prestigious university known for its rigorous academic programs.”

  9. Validation (n): Recognition or affirmation that something is worthwhile or legitimate. * “Receiving the award gave him a sense of validation for his hard work.”

  10. Relentless (adj): Persistently or unyieldingly harsh or severe. * “Her relentless determination helped her overcome many obstacles.”

  11. Mentor (n): An experienced and trusted advisor. * “She credited her success to the guidance of her mentor.”

  12. Clarity (n): The quality of being clear and easy to understand; the state of being free from ambiguity. * “After the meeting, he had a newfound clarity about the project's direction.”

阅读前的准备 (10分钟)


  1. Departure (n):离开,特别是指人或交通工具。 * “她的离职导致团队的运作产生了明显的缺口。”

  2. Liberation (n):使某人脱离被监禁、奴役或欺压的情况;摆脱限制。 * “战争的结束为人们带来解脱。”

  3. Apprehension (n):担心有不好或不幸的事情会发生。 * “面对面试时,她感到又兴奋又焦虑。”

  4. Solace (n):在感觉困难或悲伤时的慰藉。 * “渡过漫长的一天后,她在开始阅读最喜欢的书时,获得了一些安慰。”

  5. Perspective (n):指对某件事的态度或看待事情的方式。 * “到新的地方旅行常常能让人们找到看待人生的新视角。”

  6. Curiosity (n):对深入了解或学习某个东西的强烈渴望。 * “门前台阶上的神秘包裹引起了她的好奇心。”

  7. Expertise (n):在某个领域的专业技能或知识。 * “他在软件开发方面的专长使他成为团队的核心成员。”

  8. Prestigious (adj):值得尊敬和钦佩的,具有崇高地位的。 * “她从一所以严谨学术课程闻名的大學毕业。”

  9. Validation (n):对某件事的价值或合法性的认同或肯定。 * “获得这个奖项让他感到自己的努力被认可了。”

  10. Relentless (adj):持续不断或毫不退缩的坚持。 * “她坚持不懈的毅力帮助她克服了很多困难。”

  11. Mentor (n):经验丰富且值得信赖的指导者。 * “她将她的成就归功于导师的指导。”

  12. Clarity (n):清楚且容易了解的品质;没有模糊地带的状态。 * “会议结束后,对于计划的方向他有了崭新且非常明确的想法。”

Reading Activity (20 minutes)

Chapter 2: The Offer

Jonathan Blake’s departure from Citigroup sent ripples through the financial world. As he stepped out of the office building for the last time, he felt a strange mix of liberation and apprehension. The crisp London air filled his lungs, and he took a moment to savor the feeling of freedom.

He decided to take a walk along the Thames, letting his thoughts wander. The river had always been a source of solace for him, a place where he could clear his mind and find perspective. As he strolled closer, his phone buzzed with a call from an unknown number. He hesitated for a moment before answering.

“Jonathan Blake,” he said, his voice steady.

“Mr. Blake, this is Sarah Mitchell from Deutsche Bank. I understand you’ve recently left Citigroup, and we would love to discuss an opportunity with you.”

Jonathan felt his curiosity rise. “I’m listening.”

“We’re looking for someone with your expertise to lead our European equity capital markets division. We believe you could bring a fresh perspective and drive significant growth.”

Jonathan considered the offer. Deutsche Bank was a prestigious institution, and the role was tempting. But he had promised himself a break, a chance to recharge before diving back into the corporate world.

“Thank you, Sarah. I’m flattered by the offer, but I need some time to think it over. I’ve just left Citi, and I need a moment to catch my breath.”

“Of course, Mr. Blake. Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you’re ready.”

As the call ended, Jonathan felt a sense of validation. His reputation in the industry was solid, and opportunities were already presenting themselves. But he knew he needed to follow through on his promise to himself. He needed time to reflect and decide what he truly wanted.

He continued his walk, eventually finding himself at a small café he frequented. He ordered a coffee and sat by the window, watching the world go by. As he sipped his drink, he thought about the journey that had brought him here. The long hours, the high-stakes deals, the relentless pursuit of success. It had all been worth it, but at what cost?

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. “Jonathan Blake, as I live and breathe.”

He looked up to see an old friend, Michael, standing by his table. Michael had been a mentor to Jonathan in his early days at Citi, and their bond had remained strong over the years.

“Michael, it’s good to see you,” Jonathan said, standing to embrace his friend.

They sat down, and Michael ordered a drink. “I heard the news. Leaving Citi, huh? That’s a big move.”

Jonathan nodded. “It was time. I need a new challenge, something that excites me again.”

Michael leaned back, studying him. “You know, there’s more to life than just the next big deal. Have you thought about what you really want?”

Jonathan sighed. “That’s the question, isn’t it? I’ve been so focused on my career that I haven’t had time to think about anything else.”

Michael smiled. “Well, now you have the time. Use it wisely. Travel, explore, find what makes you happy. The offers will still be there when you’re ready to get back into the game.”

Jonathan nodded, feeling a sense of clarity. “You’re right. I need to take this time for myself.”

As they finished their drinks, Jonathan felt a renewed sense of purpose. He didn’t know what the future held, but for the first time in a long while, he was excited to find out.

阅读时间 (20 minutes)


Jonathan Blake离开花旗集团的消息在金融界掀起了波澜。当他最后一次走出办公大楼时,他的内心充斥着一股奇妙的感觉,自由与焦虑的感受混合在一起。伦敦干冷的空气充满他的肺,他停下脚步,细细品味这份自由的感觉。


「你好,我是Jonathan Blake。」他说,他的声音十分沉稳。

「Blake先生,我是德意志银行的Sarah Mitchell。我们了解到您最近离开了花旗集团,希望能与您讨论我们的一个工作机会。」









「Jonathan Blake,真的是你吗?!」










Post-Reading Activity (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions:

Warm-Up True or False Questions

  1. True or False: Jonathan Blake felt only liberation as he left Citigroup. False

  2. True or False: Jonathan received a call from Sarah Mitchell while walking along the Thames. True 

  3. True or False: Deutsche Bank offered Jonathan a position in their European equity capital markets division. True

  4. True or False: Jonathan immediately accepted the job offer from Deutsche Bank. False

Short Answer Questions

  1. What emotions did Jonathan feel as he left Citigroup?

  2. Why did Jonathan decide to take a walk along the Thames?

  3. What advice did Michael give to Jonathan about his future?

Long Form Discussion Questions

  1. Discuss the significance of Jonathan's decision to take a break before considering new job offers. How might this impact his career and personal life?

  2. Reflect on the role of mentorship in Jonathan's life. How did Michael's advice influence Jonathan's perspective on his career and life choices?

阅读后的讨论 (15 minutes)



  1. True or False: 当Jonathan Blake离开花旗,他只感到解脱。

  2. True or False: 当Jonathan在泰晤士河边散步时,他接到Sarah Mitchell的电话。

  3. True or False: 德意志银行给了Jonathan一个欧洲股票资本市场部门的职位。

  4. True or False: Jonathan马上答应接受德意志银行的工作邀约。


  1. 当Jonathan离开花旗集团,他经历了哪些情绪?

  2. 为什么Jonathan决定去泰晤士河边散步?

  3. Michael针对Jonathan的未来给了他什么建议?


  1. 讨论Jonathan在开始考虑新工作的邀约之前,决定先休息一下的重要性。这个决定可能会如何影响他的职涯和人生道路?

  2. 思考一下Jonathan人生中职场导师的角色。Michael的建议如何影响Jonathan看待他的职涯与人生选择的角度?

Answer Key

Warm-Up True or False Questions

  1. False

  2. True

  3. True

  4. False

Short Answer Questions

  1. What emotions did Jonathan feel as he left Citigroup?

    • Jonathan felt a mix of liberation and apprehension.

  2. Why did Jonathan decide to take a walk along the Thames?

    • Jonathan walked along the Thames to clear his mind and find perspective. The river was a source of solace for him.

  3. What advice did Michael give to Jonathan about his future?

    • Michael advised Jonathan to take time for himself, travel, explore and find what makes him happy before jumping into another job.

Long Form Discussion Questions

Possible Answers

  1. Discuss the significance of Jonathan's decision to take a break before considering new job offers. How might this impact his career and personal life?

    • Jonathan's decision to take a break is significant because it shows that he is prioritizing his mental and emotional well-being. He is choosing to reflect on his career and life choices instead of immediately jumping into another demanding job. This could positively impact both his personal and professional life.

      • Career: Taking a break could allow him to return to the corporate world feeling refreshed and with a clearer sense of purpose. This could lead to better job performance and overall job satisfaction. He might also be able to pursue opportunities that he may have overlooked before.

      • Personal Life: Taking a break allows Jonathan to focus on his personal life and relationships. It gives him time to explore his interests and hobbies and to discover what truly makes him happy.

  2. Reflect on the role of mentorship in Jonathan's life. How did Michael's advice influence Jonathan's perspective on his career and life choices?

    • Mentorship plays a crucial role in Jonathan's life as Michael provides guidance and support. Michael's advice encourages Jonathan to take a break and focus on his personal well-being, which ultimately influences Jonathan to re-evaluate his priorities and focus on his happiness.



  1. 错误

  2. 正确

  3. 正确

  4. 错误


  1. 当Jonathan离开花旗集团,他经历了哪些情绪?

    • Jonathan有种奇妙的感觉,自由与焦虑的感受混合在一起。

  2. 为什么Jonathan决定去泰晤士河边散步?

    • Jonathan沿着泰晤士河边散步帮助他清空思绪并找到新视角看待现状。这条河一直是他的心灵寄托。

  3. Michael针对Jonathan的未来给了他什么建议?

    • Michael建议Jonathan在开始下一个工作之前,保留时间给自己,去旅行、去探险,去寻找真正让他快乐的事情。


  1. 讨论Jonathan在开始考虑新工作的邀约之前,决定先休息一下的重要性。这个决定可能会如何影响他的职涯和人生道路?

    • Jonathan决定先休息一下非常重要,因为他选择优先照顾自己的心理与情绪健康。比起立刻开始另一份高难度的工作,他选择反思自己的职涯和人生选择。这可能对他的私生活和工作生涯有正面影响。

      • 职涯:休息一下可能让他在重返职场时感到神清气爽,有更清晰的人生方向。这可能提升他的工作表现和整体工作满意度。或者,他有办法去追求以前没注意到的机会。

      • 个人生活:休息让Jonathan有时间专注于自己的私生活和人际关系。他可以花一些时间探索自己的兴趣和爱好,发现真正让他快乐的事物。

  2. 回顾一下Jonathan的人生中扮演职场导师角色的人。Michael的建议如何影响Jonathan看待他的职涯与人生选择的角度?

    • 职场导师Michael给予他的指导与支持在Jonathan的生活中扮演了关键角色。Michael鼓励Jonathan休息一下,关注自己的身心健康,这让Jonathan开始重新评估人生的优先顺序,并将重心放在自己的幸福上。


Lesson and story by…. Tyler W. Golec

Translations by… Rosy Lien

Media contributions by… Peter Olexa and Andrew Neel,