Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash / 照片出處:由Cerqueira拍攝 on Unsplash

ESL Lesson Plan: Tides of Europa (Part 2)

Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Tides of Europa.”


45 minutes






Photo by NASA on Unsplash / 照片出處: NASA on Unsplash

Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)

Key Vocabulary:

Colonies (plural n): Settlements established by people in a new territory, often in space in this context. * "Multiple colonies on Mars competed for resources and trade."

Trench (n): A deep, narrow depression in the ground or ocean floor. * "The submersible explored the mysterious trench, hoping to discover new life forms."

Seismic (adj): Related to or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the earth. * "Scientists monitored the seismic activity for any signs of an impending eruption."

Membrane (n): A thin, flexible layer of tissue that covers or lines an organ or structure. * "The delicate membrane of the creature's wing shimmered in the sunlight."

Ascent (n): The act of rising or climbing up. * "The rocket's ascent into space was a breathtaking sight."

Giddiness (n): A state of being lightheartedly excited or dizzy. * "A feeling of giddiness overcame the explorers as they reached the summit."

Pulses (plural n): Regular beats or throbs, often referring to rhythmic vibrations or signals.  * "The Diver drones emitted pulses of sonar to map the ocean floor."

Inferno (n): A large fire that is dangerously out of control, or a place of intense heat. * "The volcanic eruption created a raging inferno, consuming everything in its path."

Radiation (n): The emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles. * "The explorers wore protective suits to shield themselves from the harmful radiation."

Rhythm (n): A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound. * "The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the shore was mesmerizing."

Diver (drones) (n): A fictional drone used for deep-sea exploration. * "The Divers were deployed to investigate the strange signals coming from the trench."

Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)


Colonies (plural n):在一個新領土上(本文中指在太空),由一群人所建立的居所。* "在火星上的各個殖民地為了資源和貿易機會競爭著。"

Trench (n):在陸地上或海底下深而狹窄的窪地。* "潛水艇探索著神祕的海溝,希望可以發現新生命。"

Seismic (adj)與地震或其他地球上的震動有關,或由此引起的。* "科學家監測著地震活動,以捕捉任何暗示即將發生火山爆發的跡象。"

Membrane (n):一層薄而富有彈性的組織,包覆或由內分佈在某個器官或構造上。 * "這隻生物翅膀上的薄膜在陽光下閃閃發光。."

Ascent (n):上升或往上攀爬的動作。* "火箭升空的景象令人屏息。"

Giddiness (n):雀躍或頭暈目眩的狀態。* "’ 探險家們到達山頂時感到一陣暈眩。"

Pulses (plural n):規律的敲擊或顫動,通常指帶有規律節奏的震動或信號。* "無人機發出聲波來繪製海底地圖。"

Inferno (n):失控的巨大火焰或一個極端高溫的場所。* "火山爆發引發了熊熊烈火,吞噬了它沿途經過的一切事物。"

Radiation (n):能量以電磁波或次原子粒子移動的形態傳送。* "探險家們穿著防護服來防止他們受有害輻射的影響。"

Rhythm (n):一個很強而規律且不斷重複的動作或聲音。* "海浪帶節奏地拍擊著海岸的景象令人著迷。"

Diver (drones) (n):一個用於深海探險的虛構無人機。* "無人機被派出調查海溝裡傳來的奇怪信號。"

Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash / 照片出處: Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Reading Activity (20 minutes)

Tides of Europa (Middle Third)

It was six months until the drones were fully ready. It was December back on earth, so it was December on the colonies. The daily cycles of the climates mirrored earth, even though half of those living in Europa’s colonies weren’t born there.

Dr. Pavlov had been dreaming that she was swimming to the depths of the trench. The pressure was crushing her. Her lungs would scream. She had to reach it. Every time, she would wake with her bed drenched in sweat.

Today, they would reach it. She felt like a little girl again on her birthday. She walked into the mission room. Dr. Adams was already there. He looked pale but excited nonetheless. The whole room was. Every member of the mission was on the edge of giddiness as they watched the graphics from the descending drones.

Sending the drones to manufacturing facilities orbiting Ganymede, they used a technique to strengthen them that was only possible in the vacuum of space. The drones were showing that they were stable. They reached 600 kilometers deep.

“Target is 20 kilometers and closing,” Dr. Adams spoke.

The loudest pulse they had recorded yet was transmitted through the drones. It vibrated through the colony.

“Adjust the audio,” Dr. Adams directed. “We don’t want to disturb everyone.”

“Target depth reached.”

“Let’s get a quality visual.”

The displays had mostly been focused on the walls of the trench. Now, they looked directly below the drones. The rock seemingly ended where that smooth heat-producing membrane began. It looked like the skin of a marine creature, an octopus perhaps. There was another pulse. Even with the audio turned down, Raina felt it in her chest.

“Let’s retrieve a sample of that membrane,” Raina suggested.

Diver C can take the sample and begin its ascent with it. We will want that here as soon as possible.

On the display for Diver C, there was a quick flash of its laser as a slender piece of skin was cut from the membrane. Seismic activity spiked, and the displays were disturbed for a moment. Then the visuals normalized and Diver C began its ascent.

The next pulse came, early. The pulse after that was earlier. They were quickening by a quarter of a second each time.

“I think we woke it up,” said one of the drone pilots.

“Funny,” Dr. Adams said. “Those lasers could take a limb off you and you would never feel it.”

“It’s heart rate is getting faster,” Raina said. “Could we leave a drone in the trench to record the changes in these rhythms?”

“I would like that information too,” said Dr. Adams. “Diver A has enough power for 24 hours. We will let it record for 12.”

Raina spent the entirety of Diver A’s 12 hours of recording in the mission room. It was the patterns that occurred two hours after the sample was taken that she kept going back to. The pulses had been coming much more quickly before then slowing down, returning to their normal regular pattern.

It was now a week after the mission had occurred and she was listening to the recording again. They had found something alive and far more complex than bacteria and algae beneath their trench in Europa’s vast ocean.

The sample was definitely skin. It was nearly identical to an octopus’s skin except for the hide of the creature beneath the trench was far heartier than any earth-born creature’s. Genetic testing had revealed quite little about the creature. They needed to go back down.

I see you.

She pushed her equipment away. Her eyes were too tired and she already knew what it all said. They would have nothing new to work with until their next mission. Her assistant walked in.

“Need anything before I go home?”

“Oh, could you help quickly put this away, I forgot that I need to rest.”

“You forget about that every day.”

“The 24 hour day… I wasn’t born on earth, I don’t feel bound by its cycles.”

“Regardless of how you may think you’ve adapted, humans still need rest. And, we are biologically programmed around a 24 hour day, born on the earth or not.”

Raina smiled at her assistant. “You’re right, I’ll get home and get some sleep.”


Raina took a sleeping pill once she got home then laid down and closed her eyes.

How long… how long have I slept?

Matter and energy, that was all there was. Raina was floating in an inferno of elements. It was so hot. She reached out a hand toward the dust that was everything as it slowly became something. At the center of this cloud of swirling everything, a sun was being born.

How long?!

Great terraced pyramids rose from a city of orange and red… purple and gold… stone obelisks and verdant gardens. The sun filled the sky, this wasn’t Earth. This wasn’t Mars.


How she knew the planet to be flashed through her mind.


She woke up to the colony shaking. An alarm was going off, then her device hummed. Someone was trying to reach her.


“I guess no one slept through that.” It was Dr. Adams.

“What was that?”

Seismic activity moved the ocean around a bit, so the ice moved with it.”

“Is everything fine?”

“Yes and no, the colonies are safe. However, I’m calling for an emergency mission into the trench. I want to confirm what I suspect to be a relation between that creature down there and what we just felt.”

閱讀時間 (20 minutes)
















































Post-Reading Activity (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions:

True or False:

  1. The drones were able to reach a depth of 600 kilometers. T / F

  2. The membrane found at the bottom of the trench was cold to the touch. T / F

  3. The rhythmic pulses detected by the drones became faster after a sample was taken. T / F

Short Response:

  1. What did the drones discover at 600 kilometers deep?

  2. How did the team react to the rhythmic pulses detected by the drones?

  3. Describe the appearance of the membrane found at the bottom of the trench.

  4. What was the significance of the sample taken from the membrane?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think the rhythmic pulses detected by the drones could indicate about the creature in the trench? Provide reasons for your answer.

  2. How do you think the discovery of a large living organism in Europa's trench could impact future space exploration and our understanding of life in the universe?

閱讀後的討論 (15 minutes)促進閱讀理解的問題:


  1. 無人機能夠下潛600公里深。 T / F 

  2. 在海溝底部發現的薄膜太冰了沒辦法觸碰。 T / F 

  3. 在採集樣本後,無人機偵測到的規律聲波變得愈來愈快。 T / F


  1. 無人機在600公里深的地方發現了什麼?

  2. 當無人機探測到規律的聲波,團隊的反應是什麼?

  3. 請描述海溝底部發現的薄膜的外觀。

  4. 為什麼這次採取的薄膜樣本具有重大的意義?


  1. 你認為無人機探測到的規律聲波,可能顯示了海溝中的生物有什麼特徵?請回答並說明理由。

  2. 你認為在木衛二的海溝中發現一個大型活體生物,可能對未來的太空探索,以及我們對於宇宙中生命的理解產生什麼影響?

Answer Sheet

Comprehension Questions:

True or False:

  1. The drones were able to reach a depth of 600 kilometers. T / F (True)

  2. The membrane found at the bottom of the trench was cold to the touch. T / F (False)

  3. The rhythmic pulses detected by the drones became faster after a sample was taken. T / F (True)

Short Response:

  1. What did the drones discover at 600 kilometers deep?

    • The drones discovered that they were closing in on the target depth of 20 kilometers. They were also approaching a smooth, heat-producing membrane.

  2. How did the team react to the rhythmic pulses detected by the drones?

    • The team was initially excited and focused on gathering data. They adjusted the audio to avoid disturbing the rest of the colony. After the sample was taken, and the pulses quickened, there was a mix of concern and scientific curiosity.

  3. Describe the appearance of the membrane found at the bottom of the trench.

    • The membrane was described as smooth and heat-producing. It looked like the skin of a marine creature, perhaps an octopus, but far heartier than any earth-born creature's skin.

  4. What was the significance of the sample taken from the membrane?

    • The sample confirmed that the team had found something alive and complex beneath the trench. Genetic testing revealed that it was skin, nearly identical to an octopus's skin but hardier. This discovery prompted further investigation and an emergency mission.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think the rhythmic pulses detected by the drones could indicate about the creature in the trench? Provide reasons for your answer.

    • Possible answers:

      • The pulses could be a form of communication. If the creature is intelligent, it may be using the pulses to signal to others of its kind.

      • The pulses could indicate the creature's bodily functions, like a heartbeat. The changing rhythm could reflect changes in its activity or emotional state.

      • The pulses might be a way for the creature to sense its surroundings. Like sonar, the pulses could help it map the ocean floor or detect other creatures.

      • The pulses could be a defense mechanism, a way to disorient or deter potential threats.

  2. How do you think the discovery of a large living organism in Europa's trench could impact future space exploration and our understanding of life in the universe?

    • Possible answers:

      • It would revolutionize our understanding of astrobiology. Finding life on Europa would suggest that life could exist in many more places in the universe than we currently believe.

      • It could lead to increased funding and interest in space exploration. Discovering life would be a major event, motivating more research and missions.

      • It might raise ethical questions about interacting with alien life. We would need to consider how to study the creature without harming it or its environment.

      • It could have profound philosophical implications. Discovering that we are not alone in the universe would change our perspective on humanity's place in the cosmos.

      • It could spur new technologies. We might need to develop new tools and methods for studying life in extreme environments.


Story and lesson written by… Tyler W. Golec

Translations by… Lien Ji-Cho

Art contributed by…NASA Hubble Space Telescope, Jongsun Lee, Shot by Cerqueira & NASA on Unsplash.


故事和課程由Tyler W. Golec 編寫

國語翻譯... Lien Ji-Cho

圖片來源…NASA Hubble Space Telescope, Jongsun Lee, Shot by Cerqueira & NASA on Unsplash.

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