Photo by Ember Navarro on Unsplash

ESL Adventure Game: A 2d6 Role-Playing Experience

Quick Game Version!

Welcome, adventurers! This guide is the recommended starting place for any teacher looking to attempt to run a role playing game with their ESL class. If your students enjoyed themselves playing the streamlined version of this game below, feel free to attempt a longer game with them taking advantage of our full version of our ESL Adventure Game.

Below we will guide you through creating a character and playing a quick-play version of our"ESL Adventure Game," designed to be fun and help you practice your English skills.


1. 2d6 System Introduction

  • The Game Master of GM will be responsible for the facilitation of the game and will likely be the teacher of this class. In order to keep introductions as brief as possible for a game with some depth of play, many things will be left up to the GM. 

E.g. The base damage of a weapon the players find. Or, how much base damage enemy attacks will do to players.

The 2d6 system of fail, partial success, success and critical success eliminate the need to establish difficulties for tasks. Simply select the best suited stat and have the player roll.

  • Failures: After a player rolls and applies their bonus/penalty, if the total is a 6 or lower, they fail their roll. This means whatever they tried did not succeed and now they are vulnerable. This could be the enemy getting a free attack or a spell back firing on a mage.

  • Partial Success: After a player rolls and applies their bonus/penalty, if the total is between 7 and 9, they have reached a partial success. This is when the player makes a deal with the GM. They still get to succeed if… Or, I still deal half damage but… The GM will decide how to fill in the blanks appropriately. 

  • Success: After a player rolls and applies their bonus/penalty, if the total is between 10 and 12, the action occurs as the player desires as long as it is appropriate to the context of the game.

  • Critical Success: After a player rolls and applies their bonus/penalty, if the total is greater than 12, the players have critically succeeded. That means that they succeed at their task but with an additional bonus. GM will decide however appropriate examples include doubling damage, or allowing a second effect to be added to a spell.

2. Combat:

  • Player Driven: Once initiated, the enemy usually only takes action when players fail or after they have all moved.

  • Turn Order: Have the players roll 2d6 with no bonuses to determine who goes first.

3. Character Selection:

Players may select from any of the four following premade character types. They are free to attach whatever personalities they feel would be appropriate to their character.

The Stalwart Defender

Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

Stats: Athleticism +1, Will +2, Charm +1 Intelligence +0

Health: 14 Heavily Armored: All damage taken is reduced by 2(+1 Armor +1 Stalwart) but weak against water, cold, fire & lightning (double damage).


  • Second Wind: Roll 2 dice and restore that much health. This may be done twice a day.

  • Stalwart:

    • Reduce all damage by 1 (adds onto armor bonus).

    • May take the “Protect Ally” action to intercept an attack targeting an ally next to her. On a successful Will roll, The Stalwart Defender will be the target of the attack instead.


  • Sword and Shield: 3 damage, +1 to rolls in combat.

  • Healing Potion: Restores 3 Health.

Combat Notes:

  • Combat Stat: Athleticism (+1 to rolls)

  • Damage: 3

Damage reduction: 2

The Silver-Tongued Rogue

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +0, Charm +2, Intelligence +1

Health: 10


  • Keen Eye: +1 to rolls when searching for clues or hidden objects.

  • Sneak Attack: If The Silver-Tongued Rogue can attack a target that doesn’t know he's there or is engaged with an ally, he adds +2 to the damage.

  • Rougish: The Silver-Tongued Rogue speaks many languages and gets a +1 whenever they are trying to charm or be diplomatic.


  • Rope and Grappling Hook: Allows him to reach difficult places.

  • Lockpicks: +1 to rolls when trying to open locks.

  • Map and Compass: Never gets lost, roll + Intelligence twice for success in navigation challenges. Take the higher of the two results.

  • Small Weapon: (dagger, sling, etc.) - 1 base damage

Combat Notes:

  • Combat Stat: Intelligence (+1)

  • Damage: 1

  • Sneak Attack: 3

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

The Frosty Sorcerer

Stats: Athleticism -1, Will +2, Charm +0, Intelligence +1

Health: 9 Mana: 7


  • Arcane Knowledge: +1 to rolls when identifying magical objects or creatures.

  • Starting Spells:

    • Light: Illuminate a dark area (0 Mana)

    • Unlock: Magically unlock a door or chest (1 Mana)

    • Push: Push a small object or creature (1 Mana)

    • Pull: Pull a small object or creature (1 Mana)


  • Cloak of Invisibility: Can become invisible.

Combat Notes:

  • Combat Stat: Will (+2 for magic) / Athleticism (-1 for physical)

  • Damage: May use Push/Pull to manipulate the environment for indirect damage (GM decides specifics)

  • Frost Bolt: Will (+2 for magic / cost: X mana) On a successful roll, deal damage equal to X mana spent and freeze the target to the ground.

Water & Ice Magic (Tier 1):

  • Create and control a small amount of water: (0 Mana)

  • Freeze a small amount of water: (1 Mana)

Water & Ice Magic (Tier 2):

  • Conjure a wave of water to knock enemies off their feet: (1 Mana)

  • Create a sheet of ice to slide across or trap enemies dealing cold damage: (2 Mana)

Photo by Jason Hawke on Unspash

The Wilder

Stats: Athleticism +1, Will +2 Charm -1, Intelligence +0

Health: 9 Mana:


  • Arcane Knowledge: +1 to rolls when identifying magical objects or creatures.

  • Animal Companion: Choose a medium sized animal companion for The Wilder. Consider its abilities and how it can contribute to combat and problem-solving. (Examples: an eagle scouting, a jaguar for sneaking, a king cobra for delivering poison attacks).


  • Magic Staff: +1 on nonoffensive magic rolls.

Combat Notes:

  • Combat Stat: Will (+2 for magic) / Athleticism (+1 for physical)

  • Damage: The Wilder will mix magical and physical attacks. His animal companion will also contribute to combat (GM determines the companion's stats and abilities).

  • Heal: The Wilder can spend 1 mana to heal itself or an ally for 1 dice roll.

Beast Master Magic (Tier 1):

  • Communicate with a single animal: (0 Mana)

  • Gain advantage on rolls to track animals: (Passive)

Beast Master Magic (Tier 2):

  • Adapt a feature of an animal (e.g. claws for +2 damage): (2 Mana)

  • Take on the form of a small animal: (2 Mana)


Material Written by… Tyler W. Golec

Mandarin Translations by… Rosy Lien

Media contributions by… Kiwihug, Jason Hawke, Unknown Unnamed, Nik Shuliahin and Ember Navarro

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.