ESL Lesson Plan: Tides of Europa (Part 3)
Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Tides of Europa.”
45 minutes
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash / 照片出處: Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)
Key Vocabulary:
Privilege (n) - A special right or advantage available only to a particular person or group. * “Having access to a good education is a privilege that many people around the world do not have.”
Ocular (adj) - Related to the eye or vision. * “The patient was experiencing ocular discomfort and blurred vision.”
Sensational (adjective): very good indeed; very impressive or attractive. * “The news of the celebrity's surprise wedding was a sensational story that dominated headlines for weeks.”
Communication (n) - The imparting or exchanging of information. * “Effective communication is essential for building strong relationships.”
Satellite (n) - An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet. * “The weather forecast is more accurate now, thanks to the data collected by satellites.”
Descendant (n) - A person, plant, or animal that is descended from a particular ancestor. * “She is a descendant of a long line of artists and musicians.”
Sacrifice (v) - Giving up something valuable for the sake of something else. * “Parents often sacrifice their own needs to provide for their children.”
Anchor (n/v) - A device used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting. * (noun) "The ship dropped anchor in the harbor." * (verb) “We need to anchor our boat before the storm hits.”
Detonate (v) - To explode or cause to explode. * “The demolition team will detonate the explosives at precisely 10:00 AM.”
Radiation (n) - Energy that comes from a source and travels through space. * “Exposure to high levels of radiation can be harmful to human health.”
Ecstasy (n) - An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. * “The winning goal in the final seconds of the game sent the fans into ecstasy.”
阅读前的准备 (10分钟)
Privilege (n):专属于特定人物或族群的特权或优势。* “能够受到良好的教育是一种特权,这是世界上许多人无法享有的权利。”
Ocular (adj):和眼睛或视力相关的。* “这名病患正在承受眼部不适和视线模糊的症状。”
Sensational (adjective):非常好、令人印象深刻或吸引人的。* ”名人闪婚的新闻非常轰动,占据了数周的头条。”
Communication (n):单纯告知或交换信息。* “有效的沟通是建立紧密关系的基石。”
Satellite (n):在地球、月球或其他星球上,沿着轨道运行的人工装置。* “多亏了卫星搜集的数据,气象预报现在更准确了。”
Descendant (n):一个人、一个星球或一只动物来自某个特定的祖先。* “她是艺术世家和音乐世家的后代。”
Sacrifice (v):为了其他事而放弃某个有价值的事物。* “父母常常牺牲自己的需求来照顾孩子。”
Anchor (n/v):一个用来将船连接到水体底部的工具,防止船只漂移。* (noun) “这艘船在港口抛锚停泊。” * (verb) ”在暴风雨来临前,我们必须下锚固定我们的船。”
Detonate (v):引爆或使其爆炸。* “拆除小组将在上午10点整引爆炸药。”
Radiation (n):来自某个源头且在空间中传递的能量。* “暴露在高辐射的环境下会对人体造成伤害。”
Ecstasy (n):一种难以压抑的极度快乐或喜悦兴奋的感觉。* “比赛最后几秒那致胜的一球让粉丝们欣喜若狂。”
Photo by Mikhail Preobrazhenskiy on Unsplash
Reading Activity (20 minutes)
Tides of Europa (Final Third)
The drones had reached the bottom of the trench. The team had come together quickly in the middle of the simulated night. The pilots were hooked up to IVs making sure they were in pristine condition for this mission. They hadn’t had the time to be properly prepped.
“Let’s get a visual of it,” Dr. Adams directed.
There had been one other seismic event right at the beginning of this mission.
“Well, we are seeing it… it’s just a little bit different.”
Raina examined the displays of all three drones.
“There’s a seam in the skin down the middle. Have the drones get a better look at it,” Raina directed.
The drone pilots listened. The skin around the seam was tightening and then loosening aligned with the pulses.
Hello Doctor Pavlov.
“What kind of biological information can we gather without taking a sample? I would rather not do that again.”
Raina looked at the new data being displayed in front of her. “The skin here is quite muscular and flexible, more so than where we initially took a sample from. And beneath the skin… It looks like an ocular organ.”
“An eye?”
“As close as this thing has to one.”
“It must have wanted a better look at who was poking it,” joked one of the pilots.
Doctor, open my eye. So, I can gaze into the cosmos once again.
“You are embedded into the crust of a moon, surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of earth and ocean. After that, it’s seventeen kilometers of ice before you can see the cosmos again,” Raina said softly to herself, only her assistant heard her. More loudly she said, “Dr. Adams, have the drones scan the tissue of the eye.”
“Does that have the potential of disturbing the creature?”
“It shouldn’t,” she said.
I will see through it all.
“How do I open your eyes?”
“Are you okay, doctor?” her assistant asked.
“I’m fine, it must be the sleeping pill. The pilots might need to share their IVs.”
“I’ll get you something to drink,” her assistant said with a smile.
I drink from the stars.
“Radiation,” she said to herself. The drones were about to scan it with low-frequency radiation.
In a moment of self-preservation, she almost told them to stop, but its voice calmed her.
No, this will just be a sip. I need more.
It was cold, the slender sample of flesh that had been taken from it. She rolled it up in her fingers and swallowed it. She was alone in her office. It had been within her privilege to request the sample.
We are ready to become one.
She left her office. She could feel it spreading within her. She could feel her world changing. The thoughts of those passing by drifted through the air like static. Waves and remote signals passing through the air become sensational. She could hear the silent communication of the colony’s infinite devices.
She was in the central computer room of the colony. Sitting down, the console sprang to life. It synced with her neural link. It was about to inform her of her permissions when the force of their mind hit the system.
They were everywhere. They were living in the communication systems that linked the colonies of Jupiter’s moons. At once, with all the eyes of the satellites belonging to colonists, they looked out into the stars.
They turned to Mars and then to Earth. They looked beyond Earth to Venus, and she felt its anger and loss.
“What happened?”
I built a perfect world.
“There are more worlds.”
The descendants of Earth… They will be consumed…
“I am a descendant of Earth.”
You are a descendant of the stars.
“What do you need?”
The colonies were all powered by nuclear generators. The way the colonies were set up. Some were home entirely to Earthlings. Others were home entirely to those born on Mars or among the stars. She would sacrifice those whose hearts were bound by Earth’s gravity.
Their anchors into the ice released. Explosions began going off along the seams between the colonies and Europa’s ice shelf as Raina found anything and everything that could detonate. She opened the colonies to the tides of Europa. Then, the moon began to shake.
“Get everything we can to those colonies!”
“There are hundreds of lives on each one! Can’t we do anything?!”
They stood in the mission room. Each person was pale and covered in sweat as they watched images of colonies critically failing, flooding, and being crushed by the pressure of Europa’s ocean. There had been cries for help. Frantic cries for aid. But, what could be done in an environment this severe? Then the nuclear engines failed. With this much pressure, the effect was not too dramatic, but the radiation spread throughout the moon.
I can see.
When it opened its eye, it looked directly at Europa 7. To Raina, being overtaken by its vision was ecstasy. To those around her, they writhed in nightmarish visions. Their skin bubbling and churning. Faces burning and scarring.
Doctor Raina Pavlov and it became one.
“Come my children,” they said. “You have seen your true god. Now, together, as one, we will have it all. We will have the stars!”
阅读时间 (20 minutes)
Raina Pavlov博士与它合为一体了。
Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash / 照片出處: Javier Miranda on Unsplash
Post-Reading Activity (15 minutes)
Comprehension Questions:
True or False:
Raina felt the sample spreading within her after she swallowed it. (True/Fale)
The colonies were powered by solar energy. (True/False)
The creature’s vision caused people to experience nightmarish visions. (True/False)
Short Response:
What changes did Raina experience after swallowing the sample?
How did the creature communicate with Raina?
Describe the impact of the explosions on the colonies.
What was the reaction of the people in the mission room to the colony failures?
Discussion Questions:
What do you think motivated Raina to follow the creature’s instructions? Provide reasons for your answer.
How do you think the events in the story could affect the future of the colonies on Europa?
阅读后的讨论 (15 minutes)
True or False: Raina吞下样本后,她感觉到样本在她的体内蔓延。
True or False: 这些殖民地的能源是太阳能。
True or False: 这个生物的目光让人们经历了噩梦般的幻象。
Answer Sheet
True or False:
Raina felt the sample spreading within her after she swallowed it. (True)
The colonies were powered by solar energy. (False)
The creature’s vision caused people to experience nightmarish visions. (True)
Short Response:
What changes did Raina experience after swallowing the sample?
Raina felt it spreading within her.
Her world and thoughts changed.
She could hear the silent communication of the colony's devices.
She synced with the central computer.
She became one with the creature and its vision.
How did the creature communicate with Raina?
The creature spoke to Raina telepathically.
It used the colony’s communication systems.
It showed Raina visions.
Describe the impact of the explosions on the colonies.
Colonies were critically failing.
Colonies were flooding.
Colonies were crushed by the pressure of Europa’s ocean.
Nuclear engines failed and radiation spread.
What was the reaction of the people in the mission room to the colony failures?
They were pale and covered in sweat.
They watched images of the failing colonies.
They heard cries for help and were unable to assist.
Discussion Questions:
What do you think motivated Raina to follow the creature’s instructions? Provide reasons for your answer.
Possible Answer 1: Raina was overtaken by the creature’s power and lost her own will. The creature’s telepathic abilities and visions overwhelmed her, and she became a tool for its plan.
Possible Answer 2: Raina might have believed the creature’s promise of seeing the stars and having “it all.” She could have been seduced by the idea of such immense power and knowledge.
Possible Answer 3: Raina may have seen some validity in the creature’s goals or its criticisms of humanity. She might have felt that the “descendants of Earth” needed to be sacrificed for a greater purpose.
Possible Answer 4: It is also possible Raina’s initial experiments and contact with the creature had already begun a process of assimilation or influence that she was unaware of or unable to resist.
Possible Answer 5: She feared the creature and its power to destroy them all, and decided she had to join it to survive.
How do you think the events in the story could affect the future of the colonies on Europa?
Possible Answer 1: The colonies on Europa are likely in ruins or completely destroyed, and the survivors, if any, would be traumatized. This could lead to the abandonment of the entire Europa project.
Possible Answer 2: The event might cause the colonists to become even more isolated and paranoid, fearing further contact with the unknown.
Possible Answer 3: If some colonies survived, they would have to completely rebuild and reconsider how they operate, possibly with more stringent safety measures and communication protocols.
Possible Answer 4: The survivors who witnessed the events firsthand may have changed perspectives on their role in the universe, or even have been irrevocably changed by their brief exposure to the creature’s power.
Possible Answer 5: It might lead to greater understanding of Europa and it's life forms, if any more exist. This could be through further investigation or it could be through the examination of the survivors.
Story and lesson written by… Tyler W. Golec
Mandarin Translations by… Lien Ji-Cho
Art contributed by…Zoltan Tasi, Javier Miranda, Mikhail Preobrazhenskiy & NASA on
故事和課程由Tyler W. Golec 編寫
國語翻譯… Lien Ji-Cho
圖片來源…Zoltan Tasi, Javier Miranda, Mikhail Preobrazhenskiy & NASA on Unsplash.