ESL Lesson: Camp Somerset Part 3
Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Camp Somerset.”
45 minutes
Photo by Brian Urso on Unsplash
Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)
Key Vocabulary:
1. Obstacle (noun): something that blocks you or makes it difficult for you to move forward or make progress. * “The biggest obstacle in the race was the climbing wall.”
2. Strategically (adverb): done as part of a plan, especially in a military, political, or business situation. * “Molly strategically chose the best swimmers for her team.”
3. Scramble (verb): to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you. * “After her teammate was injured, Molly had to scramble to find a replacement.”
4. Blare (verb): to make a loud, unpleasant noise. * “The starting horn blared, and the race began.”
5. Triumphant (adjective): feeling or expressing great happiness or pride because of a victory or success. * “Max emerged from the water feeling triumphant.”
6. Climax (noun): the most exciting or important part of something. * “The climax of the race was when Molly crossed the finish line.”
7. Emerge (verb): to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something. * “Max emerged from the lake after his swim.”
8. Sedan (noun): a car with seats for four or five people, two or four doors, and a separate area in the back for bags and suitcases. * “A black sedan was parked outside the camp.”
Reading Activity (20 minutes)
Chapter 3: The Great Race and the Black Sedan
The morning after the muddy prank dawned bright and clear, the air buzzing with excitement. Today was the day of the Great Race, the legendary Camp Somerset competition that tested teamwork, athleticism, and problem-solving skills. Teams of three would navigate a challenging course through the woods, involving running, swimming, climbing, and puzzling obstacles.
Molly, ever competitive, had strategically recruited two athletic boys for her team. She, the strongest swimmer, would tackle the lake portion, while they would handle the running and climbing. But disaster struck when one of her teammates tripped during a practice run, spraining his ankle. With the race just hours away, Molly was left scrambling for a replacement. Her friend Macy, also a strong swimmer, was the only one left without a team. "Looks like we get to team-up, Macy!" Molly declared, trying to sound more confident than she felt. This meant she would have to face the dreaded climbing wall as her remaining teammate Charles would switch to the running leg.
Max, of course, had teamed up with Joey and Jaime. He, a natural in the water, claimed the swimming leg. "Just watch me fly, dudes!" he boasted, picturing himself gliding through the water like a dolphin. But their hopes for victory were dashed when Jaime rolled his ankle during the first running leg. Max, receiving the baton in ninth place, felt a surge of determination. He wouldn't let his friends down.
Mindy, Paul, and Paula, less concerned with winning and more with having fun, approached the race with a sense of whimsical adventure. "We're not just racing," Mindy declared, "we're escaping the Goblins of Grump Gulch!" Their imaginations transformed the course into a fantastical quest, each obstacle a fearsome creature to be overcome.
The starting horn blared, and the camp erupted in a frenzy of cheers and shouts. Molly, watching Macy swimming only in the middle of the pack, felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach. When it was finally her turn, she took a deep breath and began to climb. Her arms burned, her legs trembled, but she pushed herself upward, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and the cheers of her friends.
Max, hitting the water with a powerful dive, felt a thrill of freedom. He sliced through the water, his strokes strong and sure, quickly gaining ground on the older campers. As he emerged from the lake, dripping and triumphant, he couldn't resist a cheeky grin in Molly's direction.
Mindy, lost in her imaginary world, sprinted through the woods, dodging "poisonous mushrooms" and leaping over "treacherous ravines." She stumbled a few times, losing precious seconds, but her spirit remained undimmed. When Paula was tagged in for her swimming leg, Mindy noticed something was wrong. One of the youngest campers, Carl, was missing. Ignoring the counselors' instructions to stay put, she dashed back into the woods, determined to find him.
As the race reached its climax, Molly, exhausted but exhilarated, crossed the finish line in second place. Max, despite Jaime's injury, had pulled his team into a respectable fifth out of twelve teams. And Mindy, after finding a tearful Carl with a scraped knee and helping him limp back to the finish line, felt a glow of satisfaction that had nothing to do with winning.
That evening, as the campers gathered around a bonfire, a new mystery emerged. A sleek black sedan had appeared in the parking lot, its windows tinted, its driver a shadowy figure. Whispers and rumors swirled like the smoke from the fire. Who was this stranger? What was he doing at Camp Somerset?
Molly, her curiosity piqued, decided to investigate. She enlisted the help of her friends, and together they hatched a plan to approach the mysterious man. Max, Joey, and Jaime, fueled by their overactive imaginations, embarked on their own clandestine mission, armed with a stolen Polaroid camera and a healthy dose of paranoia. Mindy and her friends, convinced the man was an evil warlock, devised a series of elaborate rituals to ward off his dark magic.
The stage was set for a new adventure, one that would lead them deeper into the mysteries of Camp Somerset and the secrets hidden within its woods.
Photo by Lulu Lovering on Unsplash
Post-Reading Activity (15 minutes)
Warm-up (True or False):
True or False? Molly's team won the race.
True or False? Mindy's team came in last place.
Short Answer:
What obstacle did Molly face in the race?
Who was the strongest swimmer in Max's team?
Why did Mindy go back into the woods during the race?
Discuss the different motivations each team had for participating in the race.
How would you have reacted if you were one of the campers and saw the black sedan? What theories would you have about its purpose?
Answer Key:
False (it is not explicitly stated that they came in last; they were more focused on fun)
The climbing wall
To find Carl, who was missing.
Molly's team was motivated by competition, Max's team by friendship and loyalty, and Mindy's team by fun and imagination.
This is open to interpretation, but answers could include curiosity, fear, excitement, or a desire to investigate. Theories about the sedan could range from it belonging to a lost camper to something more sinister.
Story and lesson material by… Tyler Golec
Mandarin Translations by… Rosy Lien
Media Contributions by… Lulu Lovering, J B and Brian Urso