Photo by Planet Volumes on Unsplash

ESL Lesson Plan: Tides of Europa (Part 1)

Students will improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Tides of Europa.”


45 minutes






Pre-Reading Activity (10 minutes)

Key Vocabulary:

  1. Colony (n): A community of people living in a new territory. * "The Martian colony struggled to survive in the harsh environment."

  2. Europa (proper n): One of Jupiter’s moons, known for its icy surface and subsurface ocean. * "Scientists believe Europa may harbor life in its vast ocean."

  3. Drone (n): An unmanned vehicle used for exploration. * "The drone captured stunning aerial footage of the volcanic eruption."

  4. Trench (n): A deep, narrow depression in the ocean floor. * "The Mariana Trench is the deepest known part of the Earth's oceans."

  5. Rhythmic (adj): Having a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements. * "The rhythmic beating of the drums filled the air."

  6. Thermal Vents (plural n): Openings in the planet’s surface that emit heat. * "Strange creatures thrive near the thermal vents on the ocean floor."

  7. Seismic Activity (n): Movements in the Earth’s crust that cause earthquakes. * "Increased seismic activity near the volcano indicated an impending eruption."

  8. Membrane (n): A thin layer of tissue covering a surface. * "The cell membrane protects the cell from its surroundings."

  9. Neural Link (n): A connection between the brain and a computer system. * "The neural link allowed the paralyzed man to control a robotic arm with his thoughts."

  10. Sacrifice (v): Giving up something valuable for the sake of something else. * "The firefighter made the ultimate sacrifice to save the trapped child."

阅读前的准备 (10分钟)


  • Colony (n): 定居在新领土上的居民社群。* “火星殖民地的居民在恶劣的环境中艰难地求生。”

  • Europa (proper n): 木星的卫星之一,以冰封的表面和地下海洋闻名。 * “科学家相信木卫二的广阔海洋中可能孕育着生命。”

  • Drone (n): 用于探勘的无人操作设备。 * “无人机捕捉到了火山喷发时震撼的航拍画面。”

  • Trench (n): 海底下深而狭窄的洼地。* “马里亚纳海沟是目前已知地球海洋中最深的部分。”

  • Rhythmic (adj): 形容当声音或动作的模式规律地重复。 * “带有节奏的鼓声在空气中回响。”

  • Thermal Vents (plural n): 星球表面上释放热源的开口。 * “奇异的生物通常在海底热泉的周围繁衍。”

  • Seismic Activity (n): 因地壳运动所引发的地震。 * “当火山附近的地震活动增加,预示着火山即将爆发。”

  • Membrane (n): 一层覆盖某个表面的薄膜。 * “细胞膜保护细胞不受外界影响。”

  • Neural Link (n): 大脑和电脑系统之间的链接。 * “脑机接口让瘫痪的男子能够用思想控制机械手臂。”

  • Sacrifice (v): 为了其他事而放弃某个有价值的事物。* “消防员为了救出被困的孩子做出了最后的牺牲。”

Photo by Sarah Lee on Unsplash

Reading Activity (20 minutes)

Tides of Europa (Beginning Third)

23 Spatio Annus (SA)

The glass was cold. Despite the comfortable climate of the colony, Raina could feel the chill of Europa’s oceans. It reminded her of the cold when she crossed from Mars.

Frozen on the surface, Europa’s oceans were covered with 15 to 25 kilometers of ice. Their colony had drilled through 17 kilometers as the colony grew until they eventually reached the ocean.

That had been five years ago. Just after she and her team had arrived from the long journey from Mars. The resources that were discovered within the ocean and ice of Europa, those uncovered by the Ganymede colonies and the potential of mining Iroh gave Jupiter’s lunar colonies the potential to build and grow on their own without the entirety of their resources coming in from Mars and Earth.

“Doctor!” Raina turned to see her assistant. “We are launching the drones, you are invited to observe… We would like you to observe.”

She smiled. “Of course.”

They had been sending drones deeper and deeper into the oceans. They had estimated that the oceans were 60 to 150 kilometers deep before landing on the moon. 150 kilometers was now known to be shallow.

“We are going back to the trench.” The brief for the mission began when the lead, Dr. Adams, saw her enter the room. “The drones have been prepared to endure pressure up until depths of 500 kilometers.”

“That won’t be deep enough to reach the bottom of the trench,” She added.

“It will be close enough to see the bottom!”

Volcanic activity was prevalent in the depths of the trench. Though, they had detected something, rhythmic, perfectly rhythmic. That was why the drones had been modified. That’s why they were going beyond studying the tiny life forms they had recently discovered thriving in this same trench.

The displays in the room showed the point of view of the three drones. They reached the mouth of the trench at about 200 kilometers deep. The lights on the drones painted the sheer ledges of the trench. Small patches of white on the rock were common near thermal vents. It was a bacteria.

She spotted the green of the thermal algae that also dwelled here. Their drones would come back covered in it. They were 300 kilometers deep now.

The drones started to hear it. It was soft at first, regular, with a long pause between each reading.

“Our moon is alive,” one of the drone pilots said with a chuckle.

The drones reached 400 kilometers deep. The audio from the drones was now clearly sending back the rhythmic beating of whatever they were hearing. Raina looked at the temperature readings from the drones. It was 50 degrees Celsius and climbing. The density of life on the trench walls was growing. Even under tremendous pressure from the moon’s ocean and the extreme climate of the trench, life was still here.

Other trenches had been discovered across the moon by the other colonies. Other trenches had

life, but none of them were like the trench below Europa 7. They were at 500 kilometers. The drones paused their descent.

“Switching to depth-lense,” a drone pilot said.

The view from the cameras displaying the world around the drones shifted. They cut their lights and looked directly at the bottom of the abyss.

The three screens were totally dark as they slowly sought whatever tiny parcel of light they could find down there. Slowly, an image formed. At first, the detail was poor, every pulse disturbed the cameras, but steadily, the images became clear as their AI slowly pieced together what was being captured into a coherent image.


Raina looked at her assistant. “Yes?”

“What is that?”

Its texture was smooth with an occasional ridge. Significant heat was coming off it. There was another pulse. The bottom of the trench expanded and then contracted.

“Our moon is alive,” the same pilot said again.

“Dr. Pavlov.” Raina looked up at Dr. Adams. “That does look alive.”

“Take samples from 500 kilometers, then let’s get the drones back here,” she said. “How long will it take to get the drones ready to get deeper?”

Dr. Adams shrugged. “Everything we do here is the first time it has ever been done. However, I will make sure it gets done immediately.”

阅读时间 (20 minutes)


23 空间年




“博士!” Raina转过身,看见她的助手对她说。“我们正在操作无人机进行本次的任务,正准备下潜。敬邀您来旁观……我们希望您能在一旁观察。”





















“Pavlov博士。”Raina抬头看向Adams博士。(注:Raina的姓氏为Pavlov) “那看起来的确是有生命的。”Adams博士说。



Post-Reading Activity (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions:

True or False:

  1. The colony on Europa has been established for ten years. T / F

  2. The drones were able to reach the bottom of the trench. T / F

  3. The rhythmic sound detected by the drones was perfectly regular. T / F

Short Response:

  1. What was the initial depth the drones were prepared to endure?

  2. Describe the appearance of the trench as seen by the drones.

  3. What did the drones detect at 400 kilometers deep?

  4. Why do the drones need to be modified for this mission?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think the rhythmic sound detected by the drones could be? Provide reasons for your answer.

  2. How do you think the discovery of life in Europa’s trench could impact future space exploration?

阅读后的讨论 (15 minutes)



  • 欧罗巴上的殖民地已经建立10年了。 T / F

  • 无人机能够到达海沟的底部。 T / F

  • 无人机所能探测到的声音,其节奏近乎完美地规律。 T / F


  • 无人机一开始设计能够承受的深度是多少?

  • 无人机能看到的海沟外观如何?

  • 无人机在深400公里处探测到了什么?

  • 为什么针对这次任务无人机需要被重新改造?


  • 你认为无人机探测到的有节奏的声音可能是什麼?请回答并说明理由。

  • 你认为在欧罗巴的海沟中发现生命的这个事件,可能对未来的太空探索产生什么影响?

Answer Sheet

True or False:

  1. False. The colony on Europa has been established for five years (stated in the passage).

  2. False. The drones were unable to reach the bottom of the trench (stated in the passage).

  3. True. The rhythmic sound detected by the drones was perfectly regular (stated in the passage).

Short Response:

  1. The initial depth the drones were prepared to endure was 500 kilometers.

  2. The trench appeared very deep and dark, with sheer ledges. Patches of white bacteria were common near thermal vents. Thermal algae were also present. The density of life increased as the drones descended.

  3. At 400 kilometers deep, the drones detected a rhythmic beating sound and an increased temperature.

  4. The drones needed to be modified for this mission to endure the immense pressure and extreme heat at the depths they were exploring (stated in the passage).

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think the rhythmic sound detected by the drones could be? Provide reasons for your answer.

    • Possible answers:

      • A large creature's heartbeat: The rhythmic nature and increasing intensity suggest a large, living organism.

      • Seismic activity: Europa is known to have seismic activity, and the sound could be internal rumblings or tremors.

      • Geothermal activity: The increasing heat and rhythmic pattern could be due to geothermal processes deep within Europa.

      • An unknown phenomenon: It could be an entirely new and unexplained phenomenon, something never before encountered.

      • A form of communication: The rhythmic sound could be a form of communication between organisms or geological features.

  2. How do you think the discovery of life in Europa’s trench could impact future space exploration?

    • Possible answers:

      • Increased interest in Europa: It could lead to more missions focused on exploring Europa to further study its ocean and the potential for life.

      • Development of new technologies: New technologies might be required to explore Europa's deep ocean and withstand its extreme conditions, leading to advancements in engineering and space exploration.

      • Rethinking life's possibilities: The discovery could change our fundamental understanding of where and how life can exist in the universe, broadening the search for extraterrestrial life.

      • Ethical considerations: It raises significant ethical questions about how humanity interacts with potential extraterrestrial life and ecosystems.

      • International collaboration: It could foster greater international collaboration and investment in space exploration.

      • Focus on other ocean worlds: It may shift some focus to other ocean worlds in our solar system (and beyond) that might harbor similar life.

      • New scientific fields: This discovery could lead to the creation of entirely new scientific fields dedicated to the study of extraterrestrial life and environments.


Story and lesson written by… Tyler W. Golec

Translation by… Lien Ji-Cho

Art contributed by… NASA Hubble Space Telescope, Sarah Lee & Planet Volumes on Unsplash.

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