ESL Lesson: A Story of Business, Self-Discovery & Finance Part 3


Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Business, Self-Discovery and Finance.”


45 minutes






Image by Taiki Ishikawa on Unsplash

Pre-Reading Vocabulary (10 minutes)

Vocabulary Preview

  1. trepidation (noun): a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. * “He felt a sense of trepidation as he prepared to give his first public speech.”

  2. uncharted (adjective): not mapped or surveyed; unknown. * “The explorer set off into uncharted territory, eager to discover new lands.”

  3. infectious (adjective): likely to spread or influence others in a rapid manner. * “Her laughter was infectious, and soon everyone in the room was smiling.”

  4. bustling (adjective): full of activity and noise. * “The market was bustling with people buying and selling goods.

  5. soulful (adjective): expressing deep feeling or emotion. * “The musician's soulful performance brought tears to the audience's eyes.”

  6. dimly (adverb): with a faint or insufficient light. * “The room was dimly lit by a single candle.”

  7. serene (adjective): calm, peaceful, and untroubled. * “The lake was serene in the early morning light.”

  8. relentless (adjective): unceasingly intense. * “The athlete's relentless training paid off when he won the championship.”

阅读前的准备 (10分钟)


  • Trepidation (noun):一种害怕或焦虑可能发生什么的感觉。* “当他准备他的第一场公众演讲时,他感到非常焦虑。”

  • Uncharted (adjective):没有被标示在地图上、或未曾勘测到的;未知的。* “探险家启程踏入未知的领域,渴望发现新大陆。”

  • Infectious (adjective):容易非常迅速地散布或影响其他人。* “她的笑声很有感染力,很快地房间里的人都笑了。”

  • Bustling (adjective):充满各种活动和噪音的。* “市场熙熙攘攘,人们忙着买卖货物。”

  • Soulful (adjective):表达很深刻的情感或情绪的。* “这位音乐家的深情演奏让观众热泪盈眶。”

  • Dimly (adverb):光线不足或非常微弱的。* “这间房间的照明只靠一根蜡烛的微光。”

  • Serene (adjective):平静、祥和、无忧无虑的。* “这个湖泊在晨光下散发着宁静的氛围。”

  • Relentless (adjective):持续不断且高强度的。* “运动员高强度的训练最终让他赢得了冠军。”

Reading Activity (20 minutes)

Chapter 3: The Journey Begins

Jonathan Blake stood at the departure gate, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The decision to take a break and travel had been easy in theory, but now, as he prepared to board a flight to Tokyo, the reality of it all was sinking in. He had always been a man of action, driven by deadlines and deals. This was uncharted territory.

The flight was long, giving Jonathan plenty of time to reflect. He thought about his conversation with Michael and the advice to find what truly made him happy. It was a daunting task, but one he was determined to undertake. As the plane descended into Narita International Airport, he felt a surge of anticipation. Japan was the first stop on his journey of self-discovery.

Tokyo greeted him with a whirlwind of sights and sounds. The city’s energy was infectious, and Jonathan found himself swept up in the vibrant culture. He spent his days exploring ancient temples and bustling markets, and his nights sampling the local cuisine. Each experience was a reminder of the world beyond the confines of high finance.

One evening, as he wandered through the neon-lit streets of Shibuya, he stumbled upon a small jazz club. Drawn by the soulful music drifting from within, he decided to step inside. The dimly lit room was filled with the smooth sounds of a saxophone, and Jonathan felt an immediate sense of calm. He found a seat at the bar and ordered a drink, letting the music wash over him.

As the night wore on, he struck up a conversation with the bartender, a friendly man named Kenji. They talked about music, travel, and life in Tokyo. Jonathan found himself opening up in a way he hadn’t in years, sharing his journey and the reasons behind his departure from Citigroup.

Kenji listened intently, nodding thoughtfully. “It sounds like you’re searching for something more than just a new job,” he said. “Sometimes, we need to step away from what we know to find what truly matters.”

Jonathan nodded, appreciating the wisdom in Kenji’s words. “You’re right. This trip is about more than just taking a break. It’s about finding myself again.”

Over the next few weeks, Jonathan continued his travels across Japan, visiting Kyoto’s serene gardens, hiking in the Japanese Alps, and soaking in the hot springs of Hakone. Each new experience brought him closer to understanding what he truly wanted from life.

One afternoon, while meditating on a mountain trail, he had a moment of clarity. With his lungs full of clean and clear air, he realized that his passion for finance hadn’t faded; it had simply been overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of success. What he needed was to find a way to balance his career with the other aspects of his life that brought him joy.

With this newfound insight, Jonathan felt a sense of peace. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was on the right path. As he prepared to leave Japan and continue his travels, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The future was still uncertain, but for the first time, he was excited to embrace it.

阅读时间 (20 minutes)


Jonathan Blake站在登机门边,他的心脏扑通扑通地跳着,既兴奋又忐忑不安。理论上,决定休息一段时间去旅行是一件不足一提的小事,但当他准备登机前往东京,他渐渐认知到正在发生的一切都是真实且充满挑战的。习惯了被交件期限与金融交易追着跑的他一直是果断且富有行动力的。虽然如此,但这次他面对的是一个未知的领土。










Post Reading Comprehension (15 minutes)

Comprehension Questions:

Warm-Up (True/False)

  1. True or False: Jonathan Blake was excited to leave his job and travel the world.

  2. True or False: Jonathan's conversation with Michael inspired him to quit his job.

  3. True or False: Jonathan found Japan to be overwhelming and underwhelming.

  4. True or False: Through his travels, Jonathan realized that he was no longer passionate about finance.

Short Response

  1. What was Jonathan searching for on his trip?

  2. What advice did Kenji give Jonathan?

  3. What did Jonathan realize while meditating on the mountain trail?

Long Form Response

  1. How did Jonathan's experiences in Japan contribute to his self-discovery?

  2. How did Jonathan's perspective on his career and life change throughout the story?

阅读后的讨论 (15 minutes)



  1. True or False: Jonathan Blake对于可以辞掉工作环游世界感到兴奋。

  2. True or False: Jonathan与Michael的一番谈话让他决定辞掉他的工作。

  3. True or False: Jonathan发现日本之旅令他不知所措而且体验不尽人意。

  4. True or False: 经过这次旅行,Jonathan理解到他对金融领域的专业再也没有热情。


  1. Jonathan在他的旅行中寻找什么?

  2. 健治给了Jonathan什么建议?

  3. 当Jonathan在山间小径冥想时,他领悟到了什么?


  1. Jonathan的日本经验如何影响他的自我探索?

  2. 在此篇故事中,Jonathan如何改变看待自己的职涯和人生的角度?

Answer Key

Warm-Up (True/False)

  1. True

  2. False

  3. False

  4. False

Short Response

  1. Possible answers may include:

    • Himself

    • A new career path

    • What truly makes him happy

    • Balance in his life

  2. Possible answers may include:

    • Sometimes, we need to step away from what we know to find what truly matters.

    • He needs to search for something more than just a new job.

  3. Possible answers may include:

    • His passion for finance hadn't faded, it had simply been overshadowed by his pursuit of success.

    • He needed to find a way to balance his career with other aspects of his life.

Long Form Response

  1. Possible answers may include:

    • Immersing himself in a new culture allowed him to see beyond his corporate life

    • His experiences in Japan helped him to slow down and reflect on his life.

    • Interacting with locals gave him new perspectives on life and success.

    • Exploring Japan helped him relax and de-stress, allowing for greater introspection.

  2. Possible answers may include:

    • At first, he was stressed and uncertain about his future.

    • He gradually became more relaxed and open to new experiences and ideas.

    • He shifted from a sole focus on career success to a desire for balance and personal fulfillment.

    • His perspective changed from feeling lost to feeling a renewed sense of purpose.



  1. 正确

  2. 错误

  3. 错误

  4. 错误


  1. 答案可能会包含以下元素;

    • 他自己的内心

    • 一个新的职涯道路

    • 什么会让他真正开心

    • 生活的平衡

  2. 答案可能会包含以下元素;

    • 有时候,我们需要离开熟悉的环境,才能找到真正重要的东西。

    • 他需要找寻的不仅仅是一份新工作。

  3. 答案可能会包含以下元素;

    • 他意识到自己对金融的热情从未消失,它只是被自己对成功的追求所掩盖了。

    • 他需要找到一种方式,平衡他的工作与其他能带给自己快乐的生活方式。


  1. 答案可能会包含以下元素;

    • 沐浴在新的文化中让他看到了工作以外的世界。

    • 在日本的经历帮助他放慢脚步,重新思考自己的人生。

    • 与当地人的交谈让他对人生与成功的意义有了新的看法。

    • 探索日本让他可以放松减压,更深入地反思自我。

  2. 答案可能会包含以下元素;

    • 起初,他感到压力与对未来的不确定。

    • 他逐渐变得更放松,更能接受新的体验和想法。

    • 他从只专注于追求职涯的成功,转变为渴望平衡生活和自我实现。

    • 他的想法从最初感到迷失到获得了更崭新清晰的人生方向。


Story and course material by… Tyler W Golec

Mandarin Translations by… Rosy Lien

Media contributions by… Mads Schmidt Rasmussen, Taiki Ishikawa and Rocker Sta