Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash
ESL Lesson: Business, Self-Discovery & Finance Part 1
Students will continue to improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills through the story “Business, Self-Discovery and Finance.”
45 minutes
Photo by Ricardo Resende on Unsplash
Pre-Reading Vocabulary (10 minutes)
Key Vocabulary:
Fortress (n) - A large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from attack. * “Inside the towering glass fortress of Citigroup’s European headquarters, whispers spread like wildfire.”
Seismic (adj) - Having a strong or widespread impact; relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth. * “The departure of their top equity capital markets banker, Jonathan Blake, was not just a resignation; it was a seismic shift.”
Turmoil (n) - A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. * “Jonathan sat in his corner office, the city skyline a silent witness to his turmoil.”
Treacherous (adj) - Hazardous because of presenting hidden or unpredictable dangers. * “He had spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder, navigating the treacherous waters of high finance with a blend of charm and ruthless efficiency.”
Incessantly (adv) - Without interruption; constantly. * “His phone buzzed incessantly with messages from colleagues and competitors alike.”
Poignant (adj) - Causing a strong sense of sadness or regret. * “It was his resignation letter, a quick yet poignant farewell to the firm that had been his second home.”
Hesitantly (adv) - In a tentative or unsure manner. * ““Jonathan, are you sure about this?” His assistant, Emily, stood hesitantly at the door.”
Contemplating (adj) - Looking thoughtfully for a long time at; thinking about. * “Jonathan leaned back in his chair, contemplating the question.”
Inevitable (adj) - Certain to happen; unavoidable. * “Jonathan sighed, knowing this conversation was inevitable.”
Precipice (n) - A very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one; a situation of great danger. * “But now, standing at the precipice of change, he felt a strange mix of fear and excitement.”
Unwavering (adj.) - Steady or resolute; strong of heart and action. * “Jonathan met his gaze, unwavering.”
Closure (n) - A sense of resolution or conclusion at the end of an artistic work or a life event. * “As he walked through the corridors of Citi for what might be the last time, he felt a sense of closure.”
閱讀前的準備 (10分鐘)
Fortress (n):一座又大又堅實的建築物或建築群,可以抵禦外來的攻擊。 * "在花旗集團的歐洲總部──那座高大的玻璃堡壘中,議論聲如野火般迅速蔓延。"
Seismic (adj):能夠產生巨大或廣泛影響的;與地震或其他地球的震動有關的。 * "他們的股票資本市場頂尖銀行家──Jonathan Blake決定離開,這不僅僅是簡單的辭職,而是一場撼動全局的劇變。"
Turmoil (n):混亂、疑惑或充滿不確定性的狀態。 * "Jonathan坐在辦公室的角落,城市的天際線靜靜地目睹了他內心的掙扎。"
Treacherous (adj):因隱藏或無法預測的危險而可能造成傷害的。 * "他花了超過十年的時間,一步一步攀爬這個企業的升遷階梯,以一種冷酷無情、只追求效率、同時帶有一些個人魅力的方式,引領著大家度過高階金融界的險境。"
Incessantly (adv):沒有間斷;持續的。 * "他的手機不斷震動,看起來像是他的同事們和競爭者們傳來的訊息。"
Poignant (adj):產生一種強烈的悲傷或後悔的感覺。 * "那是他的辭職信,一封簡潔卻乘載著苦澀的告別信,送給這個曾經是他第二個家的公司。"
Hesitantly (adv):用一種試探的或不確定的態度。 * "「Jonathan,你真的確定嗎?」他的助理Emily猶豫地站在門口。"
Contemplating (adj):若有所思地凝視良久;思考。 * " Jonathan靠在椅背上,思索著這個問題。"
Inevitable (adj):必然會發生的;無法避免的。 * " Jonathan嘆了口氣,他知道這場談話是無法避免的。"
Precipice (n):一個非常陡峭,且大多非常高的岩石面或峭壁;一個極度危險的情況。 * "但現在,站在改變的懸崖邊,他有種奇妙的感覺,參雜了恐懼與興奮。"
Unwavering (adj):穩定或堅決的;心志堅定且行動果斷。 * " Jonathan與他對視,目光沒有一絲動搖。"
Closure (n):在完成一個藝術作品或經歷一場生命歷練後一種圓滿或釋然的感覺。 * "當他可能是最後一次走過花旗的走廊時,他感到一切圓滿結束了。"
Photo by Nikunj Singh on Unsplash
Reading Activity (20 minutes)
Reading: Chapter 1: The Departure
The sun had barely risen over the bustling streets of London when the news broke. Inside the towering glass fortress of Citigroup’s European headquarters, whispers spread like wildfire. The departure of their top equity capital markets banker, Jonathan Blake, was not just a resignation; it was a seismic shift.
Jonathan sat in his corner office, the city skyline a silent witness to his turmoil. He had spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder, navigating the treacherous waters of high finance with a blend of charm and ruthless efficiency. But today, as he looked out over the Thames, he felt a pang of uncertainty.
Am I sure about this? He asked himself. He was taking a risk leaving his position. He was going to change his life forever. That had been the promise he had made himself. The son of driven immigrants, Jonathan had only ever known the drive to achieve more. Yet, he had promised himself to take time and reflect on what he really wanted.
His phone buzzed incessantly with messages from colleagues and competitors alike. He ignored them. Some were shocked, others curious, and a few were already circling like vultures, eager to capitalize on the power vacuum his departure would create.
Jonathan let his phone buzz perpetually, not even bothering to silence it. He was focusing instead on the email draft open on his screen. It was his resignation letter, a concise yet poignant farewell to the firm that had been his second home.
“Jonathan, are you sure about this?” His assistant, Emily, stood hesitantly at the door. She had been with him since his early days at Citi, and the thought of his departure left her visibly shaken.
He knew this decision affected her too. She still needed a few more accreditations before she could do what she had been doing for Jonathan by herself. However, Jonathan knew she would be fine. She was too clever and resourceful.
However, he still turned to her, offering a reassuring smile. “It’s time, Emily. I’ve given this place everything I have. Now, I need to find something new, something that challenges me in ways this place no longer can.”
Emily nodded, though her eyes betrayed her concern. “What will you do next?”
Jonathan leaned back in his chair, contemplating the question. “I’ve had offers, of course. Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs… But I think I need a break first. Maybe travel, clear my head. Then I’ll decide.”
As the morning wore on, Jonathan finalized his letter and hit send. The response was immediate. His inbox flooded with replies from senior executives, each expressing a mix of regret and best wishes. But one email stood out. It was from Philip Drury, the head of Citi’s banking, capital markets, and advisory business.
“Jonathan, let’s discuss this before you make any final decisions. Meet me in my office at noon.”
Jonathan sighed, knowing this conversation was inevitable. He glanced at his watch; he had a few hours to prepare. As he gathered his thoughts, he couldn’t help but reflect on the journey that had brought him here. From his early days as an ambitious analyst to becoming one of the most influential bankers in Europe, it had been a wild ride. But now, standing at the precipice of change, he felt a strange mix of fear and excitement.
Noon came quickly, and Jonathan found himself standing outside Philip’s office. He took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened, and Philip gestured for him to enter.
“Jonathan, please sit down,” Philip began, his tone serious yet understanding. “I’ve heard the rumors, but I need to hear it from you. Why are you leaving?”
Jonathan met his gaze, unwavering. “I’ve achieved everything I set out to do here, Philip. But I need a new challenge, something that reignites my passion.”
That was only part of the truth. However, he didn’t want to waste Philip’s time with stories of his mental struggles, nor did he want to extend the duration of this meeting.
Philip nodded slowly. “I understand. But know this, Jonathan: Citi will always have a place for you. If you ever decide to come back, the door is open.”
With that, the meeting concluded. Jonathan left Philip’s office feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. The decision was made, and there was no turning back. As he walked through the corridors of Citi for what might be the last time, he felt a sense of closure. The future was uncertain, but for the first time in years, he felt truly free.
閱讀時間 (20 minutes)
當消息傳出時,太陽剛剛從倫敦熙來攘往的街道中升起。在花旗集團的歐洲總部──那座高大的玻璃堡壘中,議論聲如野火般迅速蔓延。他們的股票資本市場頂尖銀行家──Jonathan Blake決定離開,這不僅僅是簡單的辭職,而是一場撼動全局的劇變。
Jonathan花了一個早上的時間寫好他的辭職信,並按了發送鍵。他馬上就收到了回覆。他的收件匣瞬間被來自高層主管的回覆給淹沒,每封信都訴說著遺憾和祝福。然而,有一封郵件特別引人注目。那封郵件來自花旗集團的企業金融暨投資銀行事業群負責人Philip Drury。
Photo by Mike Stezycki on Unsplash
Post Reading Section (15 minutes)
Reading Comprehension:
Warm-Up True or False Questions
True or False: Jonathan Blake felt completely (100%) confident about his decision to leave Citigroup.
True or False: Jonathan’s assistant, Emily, was supportive of his decision to leave.
True or False: Jonathan received an email from Philip Drury, the head of Citi’s banking, capital markets, and advisory business.
True or False: Jonathan decided to leave Citigroup because he had no other job offers.
Short Response Questions
What was Jonathan’s main reason for leaving Citigroup?
How did Jonathan feel as he walked through the corridors of Citi for the last time?
What did Jonathan plan to do immediately after leaving Citigroup?
Longform Discussion Questions
Discuss the impact of Jonathan’s departure on his colleagues and the company. How might his decision affect the dynamics within Citigroup?
Reflect on the theme of change and personal growth in the story. How does Jonathan’s journey show the challenges and rewards of seeking new opportunities?
閱讀後的討論 (15 minutes)
True or False: 針對他離開花旗的決定Jonathan Blake有百分之百的把握。
True or False: Jonathan的助理Emily支持他離職。
True or False: Jonathan收到來自花旗集團的企業金融暨投資銀行事業群負責人Philip Drury的郵件。
True or False: Jonathan決定離開花旗是因為他沒有其他的工作機會。
8. 討論Jonathan的離職對同事和公司有什麼影響。他的決定會如何改變花旗集團內部的生態?
9. 反思故事中描繪「改變與個人成長」的主題。Jonathan的人生旅程如何展現出探索新的可能性時,伴隨的苦與甜?
Answer Key
Warm-Up True or False Questions
Short Response Questions
Jonathan's main reason for leaving Citigroup was that he needed a new challenge and wanted to reignite his passion.
As he walked through the corridors of Citi for the last time, Jonathan felt a sense of closure.
Immediately after leaving Citigroup, Jonathan planned to take a break, possibly travel, and clear his head before deciding on his next career move.
Longform Discussion Questions Possible Answers
Discuss the impact of Jonathan's departure on his colleagues and the company. How might his decision affect the dynamics within Citigroup?
Possible Answers:
Jonathan's departure could create a power vacuum and lead to competition among colleagues to fill his position.
His departure might also lead to a loss of morale among employees, especially those who were close to him or mentored by him.
The company could experience a loss of clients or business due to Jonathan's expertise and relationships leaving with him.
Jonathan's decision could also inspire other employees to re-evaluate their own careers and potentially lead to more resignations.
Citigroup might need to restructure or re-strategize to adapt to the loss of Jonathan's leadership and skills.
Reflect on the theme of change and personal growth in the story. How does Jonathan's journey show the challenges and rewards of seeking new opportunities?
Possible Answers:
Jonathan's journey demonstrates that seeking new opportunities can be both challenging and rewarding.
He faced uncertainty and fear about leaving a comfortable and successful position but also felt excitement about the potential for personal and professional growth.
His decision to prioritize his own passion and need for a new challenge over financial stability and prestige shows the importance of self-reflection and personal fulfillment.
Jonathan's story also highlights the importance of taking risks and stepping outside of one's comfort zone to achieve personal growth.
The theme of change is evident in Jonathan's willingness to let go of the past and embrace the uncertainty of his future.
Lesson and story by…. Tyler W. Golec
Translations by… Rosy Lien
Media contributions by…. Mike Stezycki, Nikunj Singh, Ricardo Resende, and Polina Kuzovkova